match made in heaven

Jan 29, 2013 20:16

match made in heaven

“your father has been diagnosed with stage three of lung cancer, jongin. i think it’s best to say that you should prepare yourself.” the doctor rubbed his face, having a difficult time delivering the news, even if he has been working in this field for 17 years. “the longest time we have for him is about 4 months, but it may be even shorter.”

jongin was currently looking down, not sure what to say. “should have stopped smoking when i told him.” he looked up at the doctor and gave him an assuring smile. “is it best if i tell him, or not?” his bottom lip currently bitten, unsure eyes looked directly into the one’s of the professional in front of him.

“it’s really up to you.”

the walk back to his dad’s room was even more heart breaking after hearing the doctor’s words. four months, or worse, less. his mind was too crowded with different thoughts that he didn’t realize the girl walking towards him until after they had crashed.

“i’m so sorry.” he looked down towards the girl that had fallen from their crash. she quickly stood up and gave him a smile. “it’s quite alright. it happens a lot, especially here.”

as if he knew what she was talking about, he nodded. “uh, i’m sorry, again.” a nervous laugh escaped from his laugh before scratching the back of his neck.

“you’ve already apologized, there’s no reason for a repetition.” she smiled again before offering a hand.

“jung soojung.”

he took it gladly. “kim jongin.”

“first time?”

the question startled jongin because he wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about, and as if she caught the look on his face, she rephrased her question.

“i meant at the hospital. it’s usually those who’s never been here that runs into me and doesn’t know who i am.”

the rephrased statement made his mind even more confused.
“am i supposed to know who you are?” he tilted his head and tried to think if he’s ever seen her on television or something.

“no, but people who’ve been here enough know exactly who i am and why i’m here. you see, i’ve been here quite a while and every single day since the doctor said my sister was diagnosed with leukemia.” her head hung down low as she explained her story.

“i’m sorry.”

she chuckled at his apology leaving him bewildered.

“is that all you know how to say? besides, it’s not your fault she got the bad genes from the family. my mom already died from leukemia. i don’t know if i’m supposed to say i’m kind of glad it wasn’t me or if saying that would make me a bad sister.”

“oh, well, um, my dad was just diagnosed with stage three of lung cancer. if that makes you feel better.” his sentence trailed off slowly. jongin never knew how to comfort people.

thankfully, she giggled softly and shook her head. “no, it makes me even more depressed. people being sick doesn’t comfort people, jongin-ah.”

“oh, yeah, right.” he nodded his head in agreement. he was kind of stupid to think that it would.

“do you always talk in monosyllables? it seems like i’m always doing the talking.”

he shook his head. “no, no, i know how to speak. actually, i’ve been a pretty good speaker, was on my school debate team and actually won a few medals.” he smiled proudly which made her laugh - the first that was heard from her ever since she walked into the hospital that cold, sunday night.

it’s already been two months and although the hospital as a whole is quite a depressing place, soojung made jongin’s days a lot brighter. his father rarely spoke to him as he had a hard time even breathing which resulted in more time with soojung.

she invited him to go meet her sister who was currently in therapy with hopes that maybe she could get a little better. (soojung later told him that she doubted it but didn’t want to crush her sister’s last string of hope)

“so you must be jongin.”

surprisingly, her sister was very beautiful - it actually wasn’t that surprising because soojung was quite pretty herself. but even with her hair all gone, her facial features were what anybody would call charming.

“ah, yes, that’s my name. you’re sooyeon noona, am i correct?”

she nodded and smiled. “wow, i haven’t had a handsome boy say my name in a long time. you just made my day, boy.” she giggled and patted him on the head. too shy to answer in speech, he nodded and smiled back at her.

“unnie, did you scare him again?” soojung walked in with some food that she handed to jongin.

“oh shush, soojung. i did not scare him, did i?”

both eyes of the jungs were on him and he looked back and forth between the sisters before shaking his head.

“see, what did i tell you. didn’t scare him at all.”

soojung rolled her eyes before taking a seat beside her sister, pulling up another chair for jongin. “sure, whatever you say.”

and even if the two would never admit it, jongin could see the love between the two of them just through their actions and stares. it was hard to think about but he couldn’t help but imagine how devastated soojung would be when leukemia finally won over her sister, separating the two.

as if his words were law, his imaginary thoughts came true on a cold, sunday night - just like the night when soojung first walked into the hospital.

he sensed something was wrong when he couldn’t find her all day, not even in the staff resting room where she always was when he couldn’t find her somewhere else. his instincts pushed his feet towards sooyeon’s room and when he walked in, it was already wet from all of soojung’s tears.


she looked up to see who it was before she looked back down to the figure of her sister, lying lifeless on the hospital bed.

“he took her, god dammit, jongin! he finally took her.”

although jongin didn’t know who ‘he’ was (he guessed it was god?), he kneeled beside soojung and took her into his embrace, letting her tears drench his shirt.

in between her teary breaths, soojung whispered. “oh my god, what am i ever going to tell him?” she screamed at the grief that was too overwhelming for her and hugged jongin closer, needing his warmth.

“i knew i should have told him but sooyeon was just so fucking stubborn, jongin, you have no idea how much of a personality she had and, and i knew i should have written but-“ she cut herself off with her tears and raspy breaths.

jongin never knew how to comfort people but with soojung, he knew that his presence would do her quite good.

it’s been past four months, and like a miracle, his father was still doing well and in some aspects, improving according to the doctor. but his father’s improving health just made him guiltier because soojung crying on the hospital room floor continues to replay in his mind.

he’s never really met her after her sister’s death. she had no purpose in coming to the hospital anymore. his days were boring and even more depressing than they were when she was by his side.

it would be hard to admit but he kind of fell in love with her.

and he hoped she kind of did as well.

they meet again the day ‘he’ decides to take his father from his side. needless to say, jongin wasn’t all that sad. he and his father were never that close, heck, his father was abusive when jongin was younger. the only reason he really stayed at the hospital was because of soojung.

“i’m sorry.”

he looks up to see the delicate figure of soojung and just like she did with him, he looked down at the floor, not sure on what to say.

“god jongin, i’m so sorry.”

“is that all you know how to say.” he couldn’t help it as a weak laugh escaped from his mouth. deja vu.

“no. i’m actually quite a nice speaker. but my actions speak better than my words.” she walked over to where he was seated and took a chair, pulling up next to him and pulling him into a hug.

“i’m so-“

“say sorry again soojung and i don’t think i’ll talk to you ever again.” that got her quiet and instead of responding, she pulled him closer.

“aren’t you sad? i mean, your dad’s.... gone.”

“unlike you, soojung, i’m a little stronger. plus, boys don’t cry. you kind of learn that in kindergarten.”
she pulled away and a soft smile was planted on her face. she smacked him on the leg, giggling at his hurt facial expression.

“what was that for.”

“i don’t know. you say i can’t say sorry anymore so i guess that’s my way of apologizing?”

his mouth was left open because he couldn’t find the right words to say to this absurd situation.

“never have i met someone who slaps someone as a way to say sorry. wow soojung, you’re really different.” he wants to say that he likes it but he’s not sure how she feels.

she faces to look at the bed of his dad’s body, all covered in a white cloth because they don’t want you staring at a dead person. all she does is looks, and looks, and looks.

he broke the silence. “what are you doing?”

“i don’t really know. i never know what i’m doing. i guess i’m just thinking.”

his mouth wants a lot of words to escape but his mind decides on two.

“about what?”


that’s all he really needed and before he could register what he was doing, his lips were already on her’s and to his surprise, she doesn’t pull back. no, instead, she pulls him closer until he could sense the tears that are about to leave soojung’s eyes.

he pulled back slowly, wiping her tears away. “my dad died, i don’t get why you’re crying.”

“i’m doing it for you because apparently boys don’t cry.”

he smiles before meeting her lips again and for a moment, he forgets where they are and if what they are doing is appropriate.

but he doesn’t really care.

it’s been three months since sooyeon died and two weeks and four days since jongin’s dad did. but nobody could have told that jongin and soojung both experienced deaths in their family because when they were together, the smiles on their faces never left and instead grew by the second.

they decided to stay away from the hospital because even if they met there, the place was filled with too many haunting memories, especially for soojung.

jongin always wondered what would happen to soojung when sooyeon, who was probably the most important person in her life, left her, but he didn’t have to wonder anymore.

because what happened was that soojung found someone else that became as important, maybe even slightly more.

and that was him.

m: kai, f: exo, rating: pg-13, m: krystal, pairing: kai/krystal, f: f(x)

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