quick drabbles

Jan 13, 2013 14:46

stupid oppa

“no, no, no! oppa, you weren’t supposed to put that in yet.” soojung let out a sigh as her stupid oppa had already put in the pasta into the tomato sauce. “the noodles weren’t even cooked fully yet.” she pouted before pushing him over to take over the pan.

byunghun scratched his head in confusion and apologetically smiled before hugging soojung from behind. “sorry.” he chuckled nervously and put his head on top of her’s watching from behind as she tried to save the ruined spaghetti.

to his surprise, she brushed him off and elbowed him in the stomach. ”if this tastes bad, it’s all your fault.” she brushed her bangs out of her face before turning around to see byunghun on the floor. she laughed at his misery and helped him up. “you’re lucky this was just pasta and could be saved.”

he smiled at her before hugging her from the back once again. “i don’t think i should cook ever again.” soojung nodded in agreement.

with you, forever

hand in hand, the two lovers were walking down the street near the restaurant they just came out of. the night sky was surprisingly beautiful tonight and the young lovebirds just wanted to savor every moment of the passing night. soojung leaned her head against jongin’s shoulder before squeezing his hand even tighter.

he sensed that something was wrong and stopped walking, pulling her close to him. “what’s wrong?” he frowned. she shook her head and gave a weak smile. “nothing, nothing really, let’s continue walking.” she was about to leave when jongin tugged on her hand and pulled her back. “no, there’s something wrong. i can sense it.”

soojung led a hand through her hair and let out a breath. “i don’t know, it’s just, i just keep wondering how long this will last. you know, us.” she looked up into his eyes and he could sense the worry flowing out. he took her other hand as well and held it tight into his. “now why would you do that?”

she shook her head and shrugged. “happy times don’t last for a long time, jongin-ah.” she put her head down and stared at the ground. and as if on cue during this depressing moment, the couple felt a raindrop falling on their heads. soojung looked up in surprise. “we should get going before it starts downpouring.”

before she could take another step, jongin had pulled her into his embrace and was holding her so tight that she couldn’t move. “jongin-ah,” she muffled into his chest. “we’re going to get wet, and you know how i don’t like getting wet.” she tried pushing him away but it was no help.

“i know you don’t mind getting wet if it’s with me.” soojung cringed at the cheesy line but a smile grew on her face. when jongin finally let her go, it was raining harder but they could care less. all they saw was each other and as if he read her mind, jongin leaned in and soojung met him half way through, their lips meeting.

smiling into the kiss, this time, soojung pulled him closer and scrunched her hand into his shirt, the other on his face. “i love you,” jongin whispered and she nodded, whispering it back in between their kisses.

their long kiss finally broke and jongin hugged her one more time before they ran their way home, soojung complaining the whole way through of how wet she was - but they both knew she really didn’t care.

sleeping beauty

when two people are on a bed together, most people would think the dirtiest thoughts - blame the new generation. however, these two lovebirds were doing nothing of that assortment. they were simply enjoying each other’s presence.

taemin held onto soojung’s hand tightly and was brushing her hair with his fingers, loving the feeling of the smooth locks that one could really only feel from their lover. soojung was slightly falling asleep with both hands tight around his and all he could do was silently laugh at how adorable she looked.

he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled, admiring how someone could look so beautiful falling asleep. he carefully pulled her a bit closer so that her head was lying on his chest. he smiled satisfied and landed a kiss on her forehead, which surprisingly woke her up. “hmm, what’s going on?”

he shook her head and patted her arm. “nothing baby, just go back to sleep.” soojung looked up with sleepy eyes - one of them was closed actually - and frowned. “are you just watching me sleep?” she poked his stomach which got him by surprise and he winced. she was always a little fiesty.

“why? you don’t like it when i watch you fall asleep?” he pouted and she pushed his face away, knowing that she can’t say anything to his pout. “i look weird when i sleep.” she hid beneath the covers and taemin simply chuckled at her childish behavior. “no you don’t, now i know you’re tired so why don’t you just sleep?”

her head popped up and she shook her head. a pout was on her lips and she was looking at him, hoping he’d leave so she could sleep. he gave her a quick kiss on her lips, surprising her, and pulled her in, wrapping his arms around her waist. “sleep.”

not being able to protest any farther, soojung too wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in closer. “good night, oppa.” he grinned widely before replying, “good night, baby.”

f: teen top, f: shinee, rating: pg, pairing: kai/krystal, f: f(x), f: exo, pairing: taemin/krystal, pairing: ljoe/krystal, rating: pg-13

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