
Aug 03, 2013 03:20

kai/krystal, 3,256 w. pg
she didn’t fall on stage, but she sure did fall for him.
a/n: holy guacemoles this is the longest thing i have ever written, and it is completely just word vomit BECAUSE IT'S 3 IN THE MORNING RIGHT NOW. TRY TO ENJOY.

He spots her the first time when he’s walking past one of the practice rooms, and he hears a scream.

Shocked by the high piercing sound, Jongin quickly ran over to the room, opening the door to discover a girl on the floor, holding onto her ankle, her face wincing in pain. Having been through such pain before, his face scrunched up, imitating her’s.

“Hey, you okay there?” He scurried over to her side, crouching down to her eye level and examining her ankle. “I think you sprained it. What were you trying to do anyway?”

Looking up from her ankle, he took a good look at her face which was currently overcome with tears, causing him to grow nervous because god damn he didn’t know how to deal with crying woman, girls, or anything with tears flowing down their eyes.

“Go away. I don’t need your help.” She grabbed his hands and removed them from her ankle before standing up from her position and moving away from him. She took a deep breath and attempted what he expected was a pirouette. However, she ended up screaming in pain once again as she slipped on her bad ankle, and he once again ran over, crouching next to her.

Letting out a soft laugh at her perseverance, he shook his head in disbelief when the girl attempted to get up once again. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” He pushed her down on her shoulders, having her take her seat on the floor once more. “Your ankle is sprained so you should let it rest.”

A moment of silence went by before she spoke up. “What do you know?”

Jongin raised a brow and let out a light chuckle before taking a seat next to her. “Let’s see, I’ve been taking ballet lessons ever since I was 7. I think I’ve been through enough sprained ankles to know what’s best for them. And you might want to get your beginning position for the pirouette.”

“Anyway, I’m Jongin. Can I get a name from you?”

She looked up and although it seemed that she hesitated for a moment, her eyes looked straight into his when she spoke.

“Soojung. I’m Soojung.”

“So why did you start ballet?”

The question was sudden but certainly not unexpected to Jongin. He’s had it asked several times before - guess people weren’t so used to seeing ballerinos around. “Why not?”

Looking up from her position on the floor - she was tying her toe shoes - Soojung tilted her head to the side, her face looking more confused than it already was. “Well, I asked you because I didn’t quite know.”

Laughing at her honest answer, he took a seat next to her and ruffled her hair, which earned him a slight glare, but it’s not like it scared him.

“This may sound a little cheesy, but I think ballet is quite beautiful. My mother took me out to a show when I was really young, and I guess I kind of fell in love with the art.”

He put his hands up to his cheeks as they were starting to burn up. “Ah, was that a little too non-masculine for you or-“

Before he could finish his sentence, the girl next to him was already cracking up, her hair all over her face. Jongin frowned and was about to stand up, a little offended, when she grabbed onto his arm, helping herself off and giving him a smile.

“I think that’s cute.”

And he tries hard to ignore the thumping that goes in his heart (but it’s harder than he thinks).

Soojung actually had more friends than he thought (he didn’t want to sound rude, but he’s never seen her speak to anybody other than himself). And she decided that introducing him to her friends was a good idea because apparently “he didn’t get out enough” or “he doesn’t really know the people here”.

One girl seems to catch his eyes though.

“Jongin, this is Jinri. She’s quite new, but she’s actually a lot better than me.” She nudged the boy to say something, and he shook his head before offering his hand to her.

“I’m Jongin.”


“Is that all you guys are going to say to each other because I just introduced you two so I don’t think the whole name thing was necessary.” Soojung rolled her eyes at the two figures, laughing at them before she realized that she was alone. The two haven’t let go of each other’s hands yet, and his eyes were so fixed on her’s.

(She swears she hears her heart breaking a little, and she doesn’t know exactly why.

Or maybe she does).

Maybe it was her fault, or maybe it was their fault for being so attracted to each other, but Jongin and Jinri started going out two days after Soojung introduced them to each other. So used to being surrounded by either Jinri or Jongin, it felt a little odd that they were there together, and that she was with them. She always had the feeling that she was disrupting their date or just shouldn’t be there, but whenever she would try to leave, one of them would stop her, telling her that it’s more fun with her there.

It might have been fun for them, but for her it was pretty much like hell. The way they looked at each other, the whispers shared between them, the loving touches that came out really anywhere, and the most disturbing - the way their eyes kind of connected in some odd way. Whenever Soojung had to witness this, she simply scrunched up her face and looked away because she didn’t want to risk her heart cracking a little more.

She still didn’t know what this feeling was - or she refused to.

“Jongin. Jongin. Jongin?”

It took several repeats of his name and a poke at his side for him to finally pay attention and snap out of his thoughts. They (him and Jinri) were on a date - without Soojung - and he felt awfully empty. Usually his times out with Jinri were exciting, fun, and he dreaded the moments they ended, but today was different.

“Are you all right? You’ve been out of it all day today. Is something bothering you?”

“It’s nothing. I just- No, I’m fine. Really.”

He gave her an assuring smile as he rolled his shoulders back before swinging one around her shoulder. Looking over, he brushed a piece of hair from her face, and the smile that she gave him was one that could brighten up this whole world - his whole world - but it only really brightened up a country. Not the world.

“Soojung called while you went to the bathroom.”

“Soojung?” His ears perked up at the familiar name. “Why?”

Jinri shrugged. “She said she was bored, and if I’m not doing anything that I should come over or something, but I told her I was out with you, and she just kind of gave up. It feels kind of odd though, doesn’t it? I mean it was always us three and now it’s just us two.” She paused for a moment before opening her mouth again to softly speak. “But I like it.”

Jongin raised a brow at her quiet whisper, and he couldn’t help it when a smile formed on his face. Yeah, this was how he should be feeling.

He couldn’t help it though when his stomach grew butterflies at the sound of a certain girl’s name.

It’s quite a surprise, or maybe not too much of a surprise to him, when Jinri calls after several days of no communicated to break up with him. She pulls the whole, “It’s not you, it’s me.” thing, but Jongin knows that it’s neither him or her, it’s a certain guy in the next door hip hop class that goes by the name Lee Taemin. Honestly, he’s not too surprised because when he introduced Taemin to her, he could see the sparks that flew when they first met. He let it pass at that moment but was pretty certain of her mind when she stopped smiling around him, and her laughs started sounding a little forced.

He doesn’t mind that much. Being single did have its perks. Because of all the time he spent on Jinri, he realized that he hasn’t been practicing much for the recital soon that would be held by their dance team.

Today’s a good day to practice. The emotions after a break up were perfect for putting into dance. Walking into his dance room, he was surprised to find a familiar girl working on an improving pirouette. Soojung was still struggling to keep her balance, and her starting position was still incorrect, but she seemed to have gotten much better.

She hasn’t realized that he walked in, and he didn’t really want to reveal himself just yet. Watching her practice was fun because she got frustrated often, and he hated to admit it, but it was actually kind of cute.

Just as he was about to announce his presence, the now red-haired girl had lost her balance and was falling to the ground. Jongin grabbed her just in time before she reached the ground and helped her get back to her feet.

“You still haven’t gotten the pirouette, Jung. There’s two weeks left until the recital so you better get practicing.” She brushed his arms off of her before walking over to her bag to grab a drink of water and check on her ankle. From what he could see, it wasn’t sprained or badly bruised so she should be able to continue.

“What do you think I’ve been doing here while you and Jinri have been out having fun.” She raised a brow before taking another drink of water. “I just can’t get it down. Maybe pirouettes and I just weren’t met to be.” She let out a sigh before lying down on the floor, letting out a scream of frustration.

He covered his ears at her scream before laying down next to her.

“Well first of all, you’re not keeping your upper body straight, and you’re not looking at one place which is causing you to lose more balance, and your starting position is still incorrect. Didn’t you have anybody look over you the past few weeks while you were practicing? You’ve been doing it all wrong.”

Looking over, Jongin couldn’t help but let out a playful scoff as she was plugging her ears and shaking her head. “God you’re worse than my teacher, Jongin.”

He poked her side, laughing when she squirmed at his touch.

“Get up, Jung. I’ll teach you.”

He sat up, waiting for her to follow him. Unfortunately, she refused to get up and continued to lie on the floor. Rolling his eyes at her antics, he pulled at his arm, easily getting her up.

“Come on. I know you don’t want to make a fool out of yourself at the recital. You’ve been waiting for this recital since forever, and I’ll help you nail it so get up, Jung Soojung.”

A groan could be heard from the girl, but she contemplated and got up, walking over to the center of the room. “You seriously nag more than my mom, Kim Jongin.”

“And I take pride in it. Come on. Put your feet in fifth position and don’t start from first position like you’ve been doing. What has your teacher taught you? Chin up, and-“

Jongin grabbed her waist to help keep her balance, but it instead made her squeal at the sudden touch.

“Calm down, Jung. I’m just trying to help. You are so sensitive on your waist.”

Soojung took a breath before doing as he instructed, a smile forming on her face as she realized that she had just finished a perfect pirouette. Not being able to speak she simply smiled and turned around to face him.

“I did it. Oh my god, I did it! I just did a pirouette, and I didn’t slip or fall or lose my balance or twist anything or break anything, I did it!”

She jumped up and down which caused Jongin to laugh out loud at how silly she looked. What he didn’t expect was the sudden hug from a screaming Soojung. He plugged his ears for a moment before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

“You did it.”

“But how am I supposed to do this on my own? You’re not going to stand up there with me on stage. Oh my god, maybe I’m doomed. Maybe I can’t do this. Oh dear.”

How her attitude can change in just seconds confused Jongin, but he went over to her and gave her a slight squeeze on her shoulder, trying to reassure her. “You did that on your own, Soojung. I just offered guidance. You can do it perfectly fine without my hands on your waist. Try it.”

He stepped back and gave her a nod, signaling for her to try.

Although nervous, Soojung took a nice deep breath before she put her feet in fifth position, changing it to fourth then into the ready position before pushing herself off. When performing a pirouette, one is not supposed to close her eyes, but she couldn’t help it. There was a giant mirror in front of her, and she didn’t think she could do it looking at herself.

She didn’t even realize that she was done until she heard the sound of slow clapping behind her. Opening her eyes, an even wider smile appeared on her face as she realized that she did it.

Jumping around from joy, Soojung couldn’t help but squeal at her happiness. After months of trying, she had finally gotten her pirouette. Maybe it was because she was so excited, but being her clumsy self, she managed to slip. She was ready to hit the floor, but instead she came in contact with Jongin’s arms.

“You have got to be more careful. You’re always slipping.”

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.”

She tried wiggling out of his arms because the position they were in was very awkward. It was like one of those scenes from the overly cliche Korean dramas where the guy is dipping the girl, and it definitely wasn’t something that she liked being part of. However, he wouldn’t let her go.

“Jongin, you can let go of me now.”

She didn’t predict what was coming. Next thing she knew, his lips were on her’s, and she couldn’t help when her eyes widened like those girls in the dramas that acted like they didn’t know that there was a kiss in the script or something. She always said that it was stupid for girls to do that, but now she understood their feelings.

When he pulled away and brought her back up, they both didn’t speak. He cleared his throat before rubbing at the nape of his neck, trying to think up of something to say, but being the coward he was, Jongin simply walked out of the room, cursing at himself and leaving a very confused Soojung.

(“Jongin, I can tell that you don’t like me anymore.”

“What do you mean? Aren’t you the one breaking up with me-“

“Yeah, but we both know that I’m not the girl that makes your heart beat anymore, and I probably never was.”

“Jinri, you’re being ridiculous-“

“No, Jongin. I’m speaking the truth that you couldn’t figure out on your own.”


“You like Soojung and the whole world can tell, except maybe you two. I won’t say that I’m completely not disappointed in you, but I won’t say I’m mad because I love Soojung more than I ever loved you-oops.”


“Well, I have to go, Jongin. Next time you call me, I expect you to have asked out Soojung, and that you’re only calling so we can go on a double date or something with me and Taemin. Bye!”)

That’s when he realized that everything Jinri said was completely true, and that he was pretty much stupid for having to hear about liking another girl from his ex-girlfriend. How awkward.

Maybe that’s why he pulled such a stupid move just now at the dance room. He was always a man of actions than words, but the actions he pulled off were of a coward and not the always confident Kim Jongin he and everybody else knew. Should he walk back in there to apologize? Or should he just confess? But wouldn’t that distract her from her recital?

That recital was probably the most important thing for Soojung at the moment, and he didn’t want her mind to go off focus so he would wait. He would wait until afterwards to try to tell her his feelings.

“Soojung, you’re up in about 15! Please be ready backstage!”

She gave her teacher a nod and a thumbs up before standing up from her chair and making her way backstage. This was the moment she has been waiting for, but she couldn’t concentrate like she usually would have. The kiss shared between her and Jongin kept playing in her mind. It was two weeks ago, but what made her even more worried is that he has been avoiding her. Now she couldn’t tell what his true intentions were.

Shaking out her nerves, she took several deep breaths and checked her outfit and makeup for the last time. She was observing the class ahead of her and couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged when she saw how perfect their pirouettes were.



“Look, I know that what I’m going to say is probably going to mess up your focus for the recital, and I would hate to have you make a mistake out there, but I really couldn’t wait until afterwards because watching you up there with all these thoughts in my head will definitely make me more confused-“

“Wait, what-“

“I like you. A lot. No more than a lot. I had doubts about it at first because I wasn’t too sure what this feeling was, but then Jinri broke up with me and told me that I did like you. Did that make sense? Because it didn’t for me at first, but what she told me had me certain about my feelings which kind of explains what I did in the dance room which I apologize for, but I couldn’t help it and-“

This time it was Jongin who didn’t see what was coming. Soojung had put her arms around his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. Her lips were on his and although it took a while for Jongin to take it in, he finally snapped back into reality and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer.

Soojung pulled away a few moments later at her teacher screaming at her (“You’re on in 5!”).

“That was to shut you up.”

He couldn’t find the right words to say and instead proceeded to smile like an idiot.

“Wait so does that mean-“

“Yeah. I kind of like you too.”

“Soojung! Get up there!”

Her teacher had pushed her up onto the stage, and she gave him one last look before taking her position. He watched from backstage and couldn’t help but let out a silly smile when she did her pirouette just perfectly.

She didn’t fall on stage, but she sure did fall for him.

f: exo, rating: pg, pairing: kai/krystal, f: f(x)

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