Oct 20, 2016 13:46
I had a crappy morning. Andy woke up at 4:40 and nothing made him happy except watching Daniel Tiger. Daisy peed on the bathroom floor and I stepped in it.
Sunday night I quarantined her in there with a disposable litter box, and she decided she liked having one in there. But our bathroom is tiny tiny tiny, no way can we put a litterbox in there full time. So she's mad we removed it.
Fuck. Next time I'll crate her.
Other things:
Got N.K. Jemisin's The Obelisk Gate but not really getting into it, unfortunately. Maybe I should return it to the library so somebody else can read it. There were lots of holds, last I checked.
Recently at work they implanted two factor authentication for checking email on the web. You get a text or a phone call with a code. And while I find it annoying, L. and my boss were commenting over lunch that this is a big problem in overseas travel. L. won't be able to check email while he's in India because he won't be able to get texts from his American phone number. My boss, along with most of the other faculty here, travels outside the country on a regular basis for professional conferences. Guess the faculty will all be forced to get international roaming.