Why so tired?

Dec 08, 2008 06:10

You'd think I was in a depression (I'm not) for the amount of sleep my body is craving. I could stay in bed all day and be perectly happy. I get up at 4 am (my body's doing, not mine) and do things and stuff until about 12pm or 2pm...I suddenly become exhausted, very irritable and ....just tired. I go lie down...wake up 2 to 3.5 hours later around 5 pm and go right back to bed around 8pm or 9pm. WTF? Doctor says, "Your body must need the rest. Your CBC looks okay and so does your thyroid level(s). Your body is going through quite a bit and may take that much recoop time to keep up with everything else that is going on." My reply? Most people I know with the same issues I have maintain just fine without constant need for sleep. She shrugs and says, "Everyone's different." FINE THEN. Let's trade places, Dr. Bitch, MD and YOU be different. There might be something else going on, but I have your copay and did basic testing...now get out. My faith in BASIC medicine (pcp type stuff) has never been that great. I have worked in several offices and medicine is prehistoric on basic, broad-spectrum things like: fatigue, aches, pain, wounds. It's hard to watch people fall apart in the office while the doctor says "It's just that time of year" or "Your body just needs the rest" or my favorite...."You probably just need to exercies, eat healthier and change your mindset."...the young guy this was said to went to a internal medicine doctor to find out he was borderline diabetic and borderline anemic.

The new fad in the hospital lab here....after taking your blood they press the normal cottonball to your puncture and pull out this stretchy, adhesive, rubbery bandage stuff...they press it to the cottonball, stretch it FIRMLY...ok TIGHT...around the arm and cut it...5 minutes later, I move my arm and feel about 50 hairs being ripped out with EVERY movement...then my hand starts feeling tingly...omg I'm having a stroke...when my hand turned blue-ish and fell off...I began to fumble with the bandage...now getting clausterphobic since I can't get a side of it up to pull it off. I begin to shake and get flush (this is actually what happened lol). A nurse that recognized me from some meetings I've been in says, "Hey there...whu's you doin? Holy Jeebus...(she now whispers) who put da shit on yo arm? Must be high...let me take it off...." without warning she rips that mother fucker and I let out (in the lobby of the building with my ID badge on..."GODDAMNIT!"...she rips my badge off and shoves it in my pocket while she rolls laffing. Apparently purchasing found this "tape" cheaper than bandaids she explained so they are trying to get people to use it but most are refusing.

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