bit of a rant

Dec 05, 2008 06:18

So, my very good friend BJ (work with her) decides she's having a bday party for me and starts planning it...without consulting, my thing've waited till the month OF the bday to do this and you expect people to show up this close to a holiday...spells disaster and no one will show up. I ask her questions: WHEN are you planning this so I can plan....and those type of things....she gets it all set-up and won't tell me anything...I go behind her back and ask a trusted mutual friend that I knew would be invited and threaten her life if she doesn't tell me when it is....December mother fucking 13th....SO, I go back to BJ and we're casually talking about life and such on break and I tell her: "I'm so ready to go up north to see all friends there for our Annual Friendsmasgiving Party (segway)!" she asks when is it? she asks....she can suddenly hear the anvil falling and she feels like Wile. E. Coyote...I reveal the date and she throws a two year old fit. I feel bad now cuz I kind of went into bitch mode on her about planning things without consulting someone's schedule and she couldn't believe I wasn't staying her for her party. I remind her that white people don't plan parties on NST (nigger standard time) and that WE plan OUR parties at least a month ahead of time. She cried and could only muster the words, "It's okay...maybe next year.". SO, now she's rescheduled it to a WEEKNIGHT on 12/17 at the pub on the corner of block of where we work. I will be plastered, hopefully Doyle will attend to drive me home and my boss, Shannon, can give me a ride into work the next morning. I would take off the next day, but I haven't the PTO to spare.

In the process of all this my manager, Shannon overhears there is a party for me and starts fishing details from me...I'm so distracted with what I'm working on for her (powerpoint presentation that's going to CEO) that finally she says, "I'm kind of disappointed or hurt that I didn't get invited...." UGH...why, in the process of celebrating me, am I being punished for things I haven't done or planned or even had any input on? I pulled something out of my ass and said, "BJ is inviting people, Shannon and you have been in meetings and out of the office or on the phone while she's been looking to speak to you and invite you...just let her make her rounds and reserve the date" grrrrrrr! I worried that I wouldn't be able to act just as st00pid or silly if she is there...hahahaha fuck uryone! I'm going to get buck wild. Is it too late to ask Santa for a new liver for Christmas?

To Cristie: toy-yoda
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