Dec 11, 2008 06:38
And here I work...reception desk...few other people here, but tucked into their desks while they run their reports and spam the latest call center statistics to executives. Silence, the whir of ventilation system overhead and the dripping rain outside. The slightest fragrance of coffee in the air and a trace of my cologne. Red sweater soft against my skin and I stare at the Christmas tree made of only glass ornament balls. I ponder the day, tasks ahead and anticipate what my manager will require this day. Making edits to ongoing documents and setting up appointments with people we don't really care for...another day.
After going to bed at 7:30 pm and waking 4:30 am to the sound of pattering rain on the bedroom window, I realize I am still weary. 9 hours of sleep and I'm not rested. A sigh escapes my lips as I realize that my mode today will be "extra snippy" as my manager calls it. She almost enjoys the quips, defiance and all around insubordinance when I feel like this. It's challenging for her during this boring time of nothing being pushed through the health system due to holidays. She is consumed with her son getting into UVA and can do nothing but obsess on this regardless of anything else that requires her attention. The telling and retelling of Alex's (her son) hijinks and short-comings during this crucial time of applying and acceptance is grating, yet understandable. She will arrive by 9 am, her bleached blonde hair set and curled atop her short structure....5'3...her legs move so quickly as if eternally compensating for the height impairment, but she always manages to keep up with anyone and everyone...most of the time she leads. Power play? Probably, but whatever. I have a penis and I'm 6'1. I will always be better than you. Envy me, but do not worship. It's too early.
Thoughts of the weekend's plans, finances and Christmas gifts ebb and flow through my mind's track as it feels as though I must actually make an effort to keep my appendages attached to my body today. If I do not maintain this thread of thought, it will be snapped as a string of where you step. This entry becomes just another task as my mind becomes taxed with more words to entertain and bore you. The end is near...wait for it...wait for it...fin.