Nice Monday

Jul 25, 2006 11:39

Spent Monday night out at tc_borderpagans. Didn't really stick around at the discussion proper, but I got some good reading-time in. A little further into Saussure. I don't agree with all of the theory that he's suggesting, but that's hardly surprising considering the book is nearly a century old and pretty much the basis of modern linguistics. The field has developed just a tad since then. He's remarkably good considering his Victorian roots -- most late Victorian and early Edwardian academics are downright tedious IMNSHO.

And then after Borders, off to hang out with friends. Didn't make it to food with the TC-BP crew, but out to a friend's house for chatter and a nice walk.

Unfortunately that got me home rather late (like 3am), so this morning is necessarily rather caffeine-flavored. Whee!

friends, socializing, books

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