Back from ConFusion 2008

Jan 21, 2008 15:11

ConFusion reminds me of LunaCon, in all the best ways. It's a small-to-medium con, which makes it personable and cozy, but with the clout to get some excellent scifi guests of honor. Good kids track, some interesting panels and programming, and a well-stocked con suite.

We're fairly conservative with our con-going budget for this year, but since theferrett was already headed there, and yuki_onna was invited, we decided to drive down there. And I'm very glad we did.

Fri: Arrived after a leisurely and fun drive (Ferrett car pooled with us). Checked in, had quick dinner with a newly-met-through-Ferrett rbradakis (who, along with his wife sheryl67, was delightful company through the con). And then headed out to..
Cloverfield! Yes, the entire movie is done on shaky-cam, Blair Witch Project style (but worse, because the protagonists of this movie, and hence the camera, get knocked about quite a lot), so it's not for the easily motion-sick. That said, IT IS MAGNIFICENT. Cat and I were both dubious of J.J. Abrams' ability to follow through, to not drop the ball at the ending. What we got, however, was an incredibly tight and innovative film, with a solid ending.
Also? Scary as hell. And I don't say that lightly -- I usually take horror films pretty calmly. So yes. Go see it if you can.

Sat: Saturdays at cons are the usual multi-variable problem -- maximize entertainment value and socialization, get some sleep, go to the must-see panels, and check out the dealer's room.
The Feminist Science Fiction panel was mildly entertaining (mostly, because the panelist line-up was Cat Valente, Patrick Rothfuss, theferrett, and a couple of diehard feminists), though I wish the panel topic was more focused from the get-go.

The Science Fiction Gaming panel was also pretty entertaining and illuminating (the panelists included the fairly hardcore gamers Ferrett and John Scalzi, with Tobias Buckell and Karl Schroeder to round it out and provide perspective), especially Karl's mention of Cognitive Narratology studies and the tantalizing possibility of scientifically studying and manipulating variables of plot and storytelling to make games mythically/psychologically satisfying.

Dinner was fantastic. We went out to a nearby Bahama Breeze with a bunch of authors and other awesome personages. (I remember being amused and impressed at the restaurant since Tobias, having grown up in the Carribean, even mildly approved of the food). I was secretly thrilled to have a chance to sit near Tobias and hear some of his stories about sailing in the Carribean (even though he does not consider Lake Erie to be real sailing, he does admit that it can get just as dangerous there as on the ocean). We also got a chance to talk with John Scalzi and earthgoat, always a pleasure.

After that came time to hit the party floors. The pre-Penguicon party plied us with liquid nitrogen ice cream, coffee and good chocolate. The Elven Toast party sent up toasts and libations for favorite gods, dearly departed, for hopes and boasts. I discovered that Lingonberry concetrate mixed with good old fashioned vodka makes for a stupidly delicious drink. As often happens, good conversation and mildly tipsy antics ensued late into the night.

We got to meet some wonderful people on Saturday -- fortuna_juvat and jer_ and ellalthea and somegoddess and various others who's LJs I didn't catch.

Sunday is mostly a blur -- trying to dazedly grab breakfast, checking out, one last panel for Ferrett and Cat on using the Internet to help a writing career, saying good-byes, driving home (afire with a truly brilliant and ridiculous idea, which Cat and Ferrett are turning into a webcomic; I cannot wait!), going to katspaw156's annual soup party to meet up with local friends, then finally going home and crashing and watching Superbad for the first time (what an odd movie. I liked it, but I did not expect it to have such sad undertones).

It really sounds like we should hit Penguicon this year, too. Must plot.

Loot: We picked up the Lunch Money game, which by all accounts promises to be awesome. Ferrett also bought us a copy of Munchkin (which I really liked the couple times I got to play it on Game Night, so I'm really looking forward to it).

cons, diary

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