If Eve was to write up a what I did over my weekend in New York report, she wouldn't have the first clue where to start. Writing up book reports were skills learned in elementary school. Eve never got to put a laminated painbrush with her name on it into the pocket shaped like a bucket to allow her to play with the sandbox. She never got a report card sent home telling her that she finished her work early and was a distraction to other students. She didn't have the first clue about what it was like to be a child, but time over time she learned what it felt like to have nothing at all in the end.
If she could have written a briefing, or a Monday morning's minutes on her weekend she could have summed it up easily. Lunch with Sylar on Saturday, Breaking and Entering later that night. Contract review and examination Early Sunday, meeting with liaison on Sunday morning, complete rejection of proposed settlement Sunday afternoon. Meeting adjourned...
Sunday standing outside the firm once more she felt actually defeated. She had given them once more everything they wanted and she'd gotten nothing out of it in the end. Once more she had fixed something for someone else and gotten left holding the bag. She wanted to say it was no one's fault, but she couldn't even let her mind push past what Ryan had told her. The firm had sold Joe's contract back to his dad. Forget her being gone for almost a month, forget doing favors for Lindsey... Joe was going to be furious, and she was going to end up being the one to tell him.
Her original thought was to head to Joe's apartment, leave his contract on the kitchen table and climb into bed with him. Spending a lazy Sunday stretching into late afternoon just being home, and being loved. Instead now her mind was stuck at a fork in the road and she knew she really only had one path to choose.
Her key slipped into the lock and she entered her house, all the shades drawn and lights off. Closing the door behind her she locked it and slide the chain across, as her toes pressed to the heel of her shoe tugging them off one at a time. Through the darkened house she moved quietly until she got to her bedroom. She climbed into bed and just fell asleep, letting all the worry and stress get pushed even deeper into her mind as she tried to ignore it all again.
If she had known she was going to end up sleeping most of the day away she would have actually taken her jeans off, or at the very least her bra. Instead she woke up early Monday morning, blinking through blurry vision at the clock by the bed. It showed green numbers telling her it was almost ten in the morning, which meant she had probably slept since she got home Sunday afternoon. It was unnatural for her to sleep that much, especially since usually she only slept for a few hours a day. Of course she had to believe that her body knew better than to wake her up and send her straight back into the fires of stress that she had been ignoring for so long.
Scratching the back of her head she moved about her house trying to reclaim some sort of normalcy to herself. Showered and dressed for the day she started to do the normal things that she hadn't done in almost a month. Her plants had almost died in her absence so those were all moved into the sink, underneath a dripping faucet to try and get their soil soaked but not flooded. She sat down on her couch and wrote notes down from every message on her answering machine, trying to sort out which ones were the most important to return. From there she checked her email and started to return some of the client concerns so that when she finally did go back into the office she wasn't quite as in the dark as she could have been. It took her almost all afternoon Monday but thankfully by around seven that evening she was starting to make calls to actual people she knew.
First she called Harry, explaining that she was sorry to have just taken off like that, and that even though she knew he was in no position to do favors for a woman he truly barely recalled she wanted to know if he could pick up her Audi. It was outside of Wolfram and Hart downtown, and if he could then she'd call the local Audi dealership and arrange for a set of keys to be allowed for pick up. She told him that she'd come back to New York as soon as she could, and wished him good luck on his recovery, offering any help she could with the whole thing.
From there she called Moe, who after spouting off at her for not calling her and making her put up with how worried her dad had been, was glad to hear from her and to gossip about Ty. Eve didn't even make a fuss when she mentioned how great he was, and how all his brashness was just a front. Eve figured if Ty wanted to tell Moe about their incident that was his business... after all it was his mistake. They made plans to go for drinks later that week, and Moe seemed pleased with that option.
Next she called Kara, but got her voicemail. Eve left a message saying how she figured Kara was on set somewhere, because she was positive that they had given her that part. Eve didn't make mention of any of the stuff she had been doing or about Harry because really that was Harry's place, not hers,and Eve wasn't about to make her message all about her own problems. She told her that she had plans to come out to Los Angeles in early September and she wanted to make sure to pencil in some time with Kara if her schedule would allow it. She closed the message telling Kara to not worry about calling her back right away, that work was really crazy, but that she couldn't wait to hear about all the famous people she had met so far.
When Eve looked at the clock again she almost figured it was better just to stay in. To forget about dealing with the rest of it, but she had promised Zeke she'd call Joe and if she called him... and he knew she was in Boston already... Without too much more thought to it she got up off the couch grabbed her keys and headed out to the garage to drive over to Joe's apartment.