Nov 13, 2005 22:55
I was having a bad night and decided to buck up and make a good night out of it.. so i found myself at Adams house drinking a shit ton to much.. but i was able to control myself i found myself a lesbian pimp well not really a pimp i was just a straight girl's fatacy at the moment.... oh what a fuckin ego boost im ready for anything that is thrown at me! *douges* you know it! It was just amazing these girls where wild.. and all of them where croious...*cocks eyebrow* hehe defintally a prolbem i can help finger out i mean figure out.. yes i know im a pervert but oh my god danm! you have no idea how hot these laides where!
If you havent already hurd from a big mouth... *clears throat* brittney... but yeah we are moving gettin the hell out of here! I'm going to miss everyone so much but live just has to move on i feel i been here long enough and its time to get a going to find home.. I really dont feel at home anywhere right now so im hoping that this might be the place.... I belive that everytime i move im just getting one step closer to finding the place i belong..