Back from the Citys

Oct 31, 2005 12:12

So me and Rachel decided that it would be fun times to go to the cities and venture.. We went to see my friend Issa that moved there for collage.. It was fucking fun I missed her sooo much! So random trips are definetally the best trips... I dont know how to discribe it being in the cities just opens your mind up it shows you more oppertunity so your narrow path becomes a highway...
Plus, when i was there Bella, Issas roommate, gave me a tarro sp? reading and it was a really good one... i was sitting there thinking it was going to be extremly bad but it was all like.. yeah in your past you met a somewhat "prince charming" in your past and they where sweet and charming on the outside but deciving when out of view. Which is true.. because it was also a masculant card... which ment that person had alot more power over me....*atleast thats what i got out of it* which was very true. and the present card said that im very happy with how everything is turning out right now that my life has hit a very good level and its only going up.. then the present card told me that i will be having a partnership with someone soon either romantically or friendly either or its going to make me very happy it i should keep an eye out for it.. So if anything happens between me and someone else friendship wise or romantic wise im going to be happy about it either way.. I am very happy with how my life is right now.. And it is very true how i can only go up from here and if i dont go up then im happy where i am now.. so it all works out..
Other then that I was sooo happy to see Issa I missed her soooooo much... she has changed in a very good way.. I really feel at home with her randomly... i may not act like it but i feel very warm and fussy kinda not a bad kind of fuzzy just a i feel like i can act stupid and she wont look down on me sorta thing like i can speak with a corny british/irish accent and not feel stupid and i kinda feel a bit protected when im around her like she has my back... just little things like giving me a crossed eyed look just makes me smile and well happy inside..
On the car ride home is was sooo foggy that it sucked ass! Rachel and I could barley see the lines infront of the car.. finally the fog started to lift and we where about a half an hour before we where home and i got really tired... so i started to pass out cuz she said it was alright.. so i started to pass out i remember her asking me which exit and i was really tired so i responed in a mumble..."North Crossing is straight ahead captian!" or something along those mumbles.. and relized there was no way in hell that we could stay awake long enough to get to my house so we just crashed at her house to tired to even walk in we just kinda crawl to the bed and just pass out then the alarm went off...
Danm alarm and now i cant sleep cuz i have to go to work in about 3 hours bastards! im in pain my back is killing me i need to take a pain pill or a shot of morfine or something i dont understand it im just wow i must have pulled some major mussule or something.. im going to go take a hot bath and hopefully feel a bit better.
later bitches
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