Just keep on blowin my mind: Pentatonix

Jun 20, 2012 09:07

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I actually went to look up the original songs - never been a big fan of either Bieber or Perry's music and though I didn't care for either of them *lyrically (and was kinda turned off by Perry's lyric MV for Wide Awake, actually...), I could hear what might have interested Pentatonix in terms of arrangement and production. And of course, they mixed it all and made it their own and it ROCKS! Plus, Kristie and Kevin get some time to shine <333

(*See, I actually thought the chorus for Bieber's song was interesting, especially since it was so dark and would've loved if the song had darker lyrics to match. Something like the amazery of Three Wishes by The Pierces, a group my sister only now introduced me to ['cause she was keeping it from me!!!]. It's really simple but the arrangement with those lyrics make it awesome~)

On a completely different subject, anyone have tips for the GRE?

acapella, music, pentatonix

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