Yay, some rough
Japanese lyrics (LOL forever at "punk & deli" for "punkadelic" XDDD) and very
rough English translations~! [ETA] Another rough translation
here, care of
I was hoping that the music would match with the lyrics and that there would be at least hints of meta and mwahahaha there is! (I could also be reaching but I don't care~~~~~~~~) Really looking forward to getting more accurate lyrics and translations. 'Cause what I could piece together so far has been pretty awesome:
- The change to major totally links to the lyrics! The lyrics in that first shift to major talk about treating each other nicely, so it adds this level of knowing, fake politeness. The lyrics in that second shift to major can be seen as a reference to the Katy Perry/ditzy party girl image.
- In the first second chorus (Chorus B):「値段もつけられやしない愛を」Something about love being attached to a price tag, a clear acknowledgement of dependence and importance of money
- In the second first chorus (Chorus A): 「Life is a party ダメージほど売れる」Something about selling damage which is so perfect for the concept of paparazzi (Seriously, this song is turning out to be an extension/darker version of Twinkle. So cool 8D)
- Last second chorus (Chorus B), suddenly talking about tears into diamonds - seems so out of place because not talking really about being in love, but totally fits the paparazzi/hardship theme
The more I listen, the more I like the different sounds - old school disco/house (I can never name these genres correctly -_-) and all the backing vocals. Also, I can't not see the choreo in my head (i.e. hip action) XD (My sister: "All I remember are legs")