"This Sounds Good" pork chops

Sep 24, 2009 22:29

Pretty simple, unmeasured concoction:

3 pork chops (about a pound~pound and a half)
Garlic Powder
Kosher Salt
Ground Black Pepper
Olive Oil

Put a couple of Tbsp of the olive oil into a frying pan (enough to have a decent coating on the bottom of the pan without having a lake), heat on medium high to high. Sprinkle a pinch of salt into the heating oil, grind some pepper in with it.

Add the pork chops. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and grind some pepper to taste over the chops, then sprinkle the coriander and garlic powder. Let fry for a few minutes (3-5 if I recall correctly, but I wasn't really watching the clock) and flip the chops. Sprinkle some coriander and garlic powder over the top of the meat. Let fry a bit longer.

Turn the heat down to medium or medium low and flip again to check for proper browning.

I flipped mine 2-3 times during this stage to keep the brown from turning black, but that could be my own lack of expertise on a stove vs. a grill where I tend to not fuss with my cuts so much.

When the meat feels done and is nicely browned on both sides, plate and let rest for a few minutes.

I served this with some potatoes and carrots left over from a corned beef roast a couple of nights ago, and it worked quite nicely. Add a bit of bourbon mustard on the side for dipping, if that's your thing, but the chops were plenty moist.

On the fly recipes can go either way for me, but this one turned out better than usual.


entree, pork

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