just_chiara Mar 17, 2011 17:50
fandom:challenge comm:crimeland, tv:supernatural, ship:terminator tscc:cameron/john, celeb:shemar moore, graphics:headers, graphics:wallpapers, ship:dead like me:daisy/mason, tv:the big bang theory, tv:legend of the seeker, graphics:banners, livejournal, graphics, celeb:matt bomer, tv, celeb:matthew gray gubler, celeb:paget brewster, fandom, tv:criminal minds, movies:black swan, fandom:challenge comm, tv:leverage, tv:doctor who, fandom:challenge comm:fandomland, ship:criminal minds rp:matthew/shemar, tv:dead like me, comics:calvin & hobbes, tv:terminator, livejournal:communities
just_chiara Oct 26, 2010 10:34
graphics, tv, celeb:matthew gray gubler, tv:friday night lights, celeb:matt lauria, graphics:picspams
just_chiara Sep 10, 2010 23:20
tv:criminal minds, livejournal, graphics:picspams, tv:the vampire diaries, livejournal:i have a pretty layout, graphics, tv, celeb:matthew gray gubler
just_chiara Aug 29, 2010 00:23
tv:leverage, graphics, tv, graphics:picspams
just_chiara Aug 10, 2010 12:21
graphics, tv, tv:friday night lights, graphics:picspams