I have a new shiny and bright layout. It's actually the old one with a new header (with my favorite geeks ♥), new colors and a bunch of new codes to make it prettier.
The Vampire Diaries, 2.01 "The Return"
- Katherine is cool. Can we get rid of Elena now? LOL. I'm curious to see what her end game is.
- The scene at the hospital with Caroline and Matt (and Bonnie) was adorable. OMG, those two are so cute together! ♥ I still don't like Bonnie, though.
- Uncle Mason is yummy. Approved.
- The not-a-fight scene between the brothers in the garden was great. I even liked Stefan for once.
- Caroline :( I hope she's till alive... Damon's blood still in her system maybe? But I don't want her to be a vampire. I just want her and Matt to be happy together. If they screw up my OTP I may stop watching. I'm not kidding.
- Lot of cliche scenes, yes? Especially the one of Damon throwing the glass at the fireplace. But whatever.
Do you think Damon knew Jeremy had the ring when he snapped his neck?
Two picspams I posted on my community a while ago but always forgot to link here.
Click on the banners
LJ is going to try and fix the Facebook/Twitter mess. I'd still like the option to block re-posting completely from my journal, because I'm just starting to post public entries again, but it's an improvement.