I feel like I've forgotten how to blog.
A lot of times I'll tell myself to remember to write a post about something that's going on or that has happened, and then if/when I log in to do it, my mind just doesn't work the way I want it to and either a post never happens or it's just . . . meh.
For example: my little brother
Matt got married on Saturday. I had this huge post thought out in my head and now I can't remember any of it.
I think part of my issue is that sometimes I want to just post a tiny paragraph, and
Twitter works for that. Other times I want to rave on like a lunatic fangirl (who, me?), and
Tumblr works for that. I feel like I no longer really have a voice on LJ. I know this is my journal and that I can post whatever I want and I don't have to sound professional, and I can fangirl to my heart's content if I want to, but somehow it just doesn't work that way for me. Maybe it's because I don't really interact with anyone on here anymore. Maybe it's time to try to find some more LJ friends and try to make it a point to read my flist every day and really make an effort to get to know some new people.