745. the last days of summer . . .

Aug 21, 2011 12:09

Today is my last free day this summer, and it's technically not even a free day since I have to work at the theatre tonight at 6:00. But tomorrow, I start back at university. I will be full-time, but am only taking 13 hours. I'll still be juggling two jobs, and my third will start back up in September, so I'm going to be one busy mofo.

I'm taking some pre-reqs for the nursing program this fall, and will finish up what I can take without actually being in the program this spring. Hopefully these classes will strengthen my nursing application enough for me to be accepted next fall. If not, there are no more classes that I will be able to take.

I'm really nervous about going back, you guys. Like, I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to handle it at all and I'm just going to flunk out or drop out again. I mean, I want to go back to school. I want to get a degree. I'm fairly certain that nursing is what I want to do -- or, at least, I'm not going to hate it and would be able to do it for the rest of my life. My goal is to get my bachelor's in nursing, and then continue schooling for two more years and get a master's degree in nurse midwifery.

But I'm scared I'm not going to make it that far. The last time I went to university, I floated for three and a half years and tried four different majors, each vastly different from the last (undecided science, English/creative writing, music education, and criminal justice). While each of them was interesting, I didn't think I wanted to do any of those for the rest of my life. I mean, I'm a writer and while I would love to be an author, I don't think I could teach English while working to get published. And really, what do you do with a degree in English? Criminal justice was interesting, but if I was going to do that, I would much rather be in the forensic bit of that field.

Sigh. Maybe I'm just being dramatic. I'm determined to get good grades, and to learn how to study, and to do really well with my schoolwork and my jobs. I just need to kick all these nerves to the side so that I can move forward and kick some serious ass.

school, nerves, work

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