744. look, an update!

Aug 13, 2011 16:50

I'm a wee bit drugged up right now. Not much, but still a little. Yesterday morning I had my wisdom teeth and one molar that had been broken for a long time removed. I was put to sleep for the procedure, so there was very little pain involved, and I haven't had that much pain since coming out of it. Mostly there's just irritation in my mouth and along the side of my tongue where the sutures are.

I feel kind of useless right now because of having had the procedure done, though. Becky's been going back to our old house and doing some cleaning before we have to turn in the keys at the end of the month, but I can't really do much in the way of helping. At least not this weekend.

Eating is a pain, too. Yesterday I could only really eat mashed potatoes and pudding. Today I had some beanie weenies for lunch, but chewing the hot dog bits kinda aggravated my sutures. I think I'll be having mashed potatoes for dinner again tonight, and since Kelsey is working at Dairy Queen this evening I'm probably going to go over there and get a milkshake. I do like having an excuse to eat unhealthy food.

I think that's all I've really got for now. I may post again later, with some general moving-type stuff. I'd like to put up some photos of the new house--especially my new bedroom. I'm terrible at decorating, and I'd love to get some input on what I should do to it to make it a really homey, I'd-love-to-be-in-here-all-day sort of space.

surgery, moving, home

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