Music Quiz, MCR Style!

Sep 20, 2009 14:34

Hi, everyone!

GUESS WHAT I FINISHED MY HOMEWORK YAY! So I promise, definitely, to write at least a little bit today. Mostly because we got through all three discs of 24 and we're waiting for the next one from the library.

Also, Simsecret this week: apparently someone thinks Heather, Kyra, and I are cliquey. I seriously don't care, because we're not at all. So they can STFU.

Anyway! Today I'm doing one of those music quizzes for the lulz. You know, where you put your MP3 on shuffle and songs that do not make sense with the quiz questions inevitably come up. Only I'll just be cycling through my 27 MCR songs instead of my entire MP3. MCR pops up a lot anyway, so whatever. The quiz is like the soundtrack to a movie of your life. Afterwards I'm going to try and string a story together with the songs, and I'm also going to put down a lyric I like. Enjoy!

Opening Credits:
This is How I Disappear.
More suited for the END CREDITS, STUPID MP3!! Or perhaps the movie of my life is about me disappearing? Do I go into witness protection? This movie's already hard to write!
Lyric: There's things that I have done / You never / Should ever know

Waking Up:
Ah, so it's a nice quiet morning when I wake up. Couldn't have been something easy like "Sleep," though. But would that have been worse?
Lyric: I don't particularly like any, the song's like a minute long.

First Day of School:
Welcome to the Black Parade.
Well, it's not wildly inappropriate. About death, though, but hey, school is like death for your soul!
Lyric: On and on we carry through the fears / Disappointed faces of your peers / Take a look at me, cause I could not care at all / Do or die / You'll never make me / Because the world / Will never take my heart / Go and try / You'll never break me

Falling In Love:
(Wait for it...wait for "I Don't Love You" to come up...I totally called it!)
And I'm wrong..."House of Wolves."
Hardly better. This song has NOTHING to do with love. AT ALL. Can I have a do-over?!
Lyric: We got innocence for days

Fight Song:
You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison
That's actually a decent fight song, once it really gets started, and the lyrics kinda fit as well! Sweet!
Lyric: Will they give me the chair / Or lethal injection / Or swing from a rope if you dare

Break-Up Song:
Thank You for the Venom
Meh. The violent mood of the song could work, and the lyrics sort of sound like a fight. Therefore, I pwned the quiz again!
Lyric: You'll never make me leave / I'll wear this on my sleeve / Give me a reason to believe and Love it / Or leave it / You don't understand / A pretty face but you do so carry on / And on / And on and on


My sentiments exactly. What, is it prom as in prom from the movie Carrie?
Lyric: So darken your clothes / Or strike a violent pose / Maybe they'll leave you alone / But not me

The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You
Dear Shuffle,
You make no sense and I hate you.
Love, June.
Lyric: Pull the plug / But I'd like to learn your name / And holding on / Well I hope you do the same / Aww, sugar

Last Day of School:
Hang Em High
Once again, Shuffle, I hate you. I mean, it's about a couple, and one is telling the other to move on and keep going in case of his death! Whatever.
Lyric: That girl's not right in the brain

Life's Okay:
(Watch something awful and depressing come on. Wait for it...I'm betting on "The Ghost of You.")
The Sharpest Lives
I called something awful and depressing. I always took it to be about alcoholism/all the difficulties of being famous and getting wrapped up in bad things.
Lyric: Give me a shot to remember / And you can take all the pain away from me / A kiss and I wil surrender / The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
(Note: Very few MCR songs have the titles in the lyrics. Sharpest Lives is one of the few. Others: To The End, I'm Not Okay, Dead!, This is How I Disappear, I Don't Love You, Mama, Sleep, Teenagers, and Blood.)

Mental Breakdown:
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
OMG it actually makes perfect sense! I was sort of hoping "Famous Last Words" would come on, though.
Lyric: What will it take you show you that it's not the life it seems? / I tell you time and time again / You sing the words but / Don't know what it means / To be a joke and look / Another line without a hook

Driving Song:
IT IS NOT A DRIVING SONG. SHUT UP, SHUFFLE. It is, however, going to work its way into Hermione's ABCs soonish.
Lyric: Still / I will not kiss you / Cause the hardest part of this / Is leaving you and And I just hope you know / That if you say (If you say) / Good-bye today (Good-bye today) / I'd ask you to be true ('Cause I'd ask you to be true)

Simming Song:
I suppose in a really weird, convoluted way it makes sense. We sort of live, disenchantedly, through our Sims, ignoring reality. Like there's anything wrong with that.
Lyric: Yeah yeah, whoa / If I'm so wrong (So wrong, so wrong) / How can you listen all night long? (Night long, night long) / Now will it matter long after I'm gone? / Because you never learned a goddamn thing and It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing

(Disenchanted would have worked better here!!)
The Ghost of You
Lyric: At the end of the world / Or the last thing I see / You are / Never coming home, never coming home / Could I? Should I? / And all the things that you never ever told me / And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

Get Back Together:
It's Not a Fashion Statement It's a Deathwish
DUDE. This is like the EXACT OPPOSITE of a "getting back together" song!! It is vengeful, not forgiving!
Lyric: The damage you've inflicted / Temporary wounds / I'm coming back from the dead

(I'm calling "I Don't Love You." Yes, again, shut up.)
Cemetery Drive
Once again: DUDE. SO NOT A WEDDING SONG. I WOULD HAVE PREFERRED "IDLY." It's still an awesome song, tho! Holder of the now-infamous lyric "Way Down!" Don't know what in the name of Mikeyglasses I'm talking about? 1:01-about 1:20: poor Mikey. Anyway!
Lyric: I miss you / I miss you so far / And the collision of your kiss / That made it so hard

Birth of a Child:
I Don't Love You
CURSE YOU SHUFFLE!! Seriously! I had a Wedding! I had a Falling in Love! And I get I Don't-Freaking-Love You for BIRTH OF A CHILD?!! ARGH!!!
Lyric: When you go / Hey, would you even turn to say / "I don't love you / like I did yesterday"?

Final Battle:
Lyric: What's the worst that I could say? / Things are better if I stay / So long and good night / So long and good night

Death Scene:
Famous Last Words
OMG SO AWESOME YAY!! This fits so well, yesh?
Lyric: Now I know / That I can't make you stay and I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone

Funeral Song:
(Not Helena GRRRR.)
I Never Told You What I Do for a Living
Well, it's not wildly inappropriate. But it's not really suited for a funeral either.
Lyric: And we'll all dance along / To the tune of your death / We'll love again / We'll laugh again / And it's better off this way

End Credits:
It's a decent end-credits song. SERIOUSLY. DEATH SCENE MUSIC!!!
Lyric: Have / You heard the news that you're dead? / No one ever had much nice to say, I / think they never liked you anyway / You take / Me from the hospital bed / Wouldn't it be grand / It ain't exactly what you planned / And wouldn't it be great if we were dead?

Well, THAT was weird. Okay, come on, Self, let's get a story together!

Okay. So the movie's called "Chemical Romantic." It tells the tale of me, June, told through a diary and through memory. The story starts the morning of the first day of school, a quiet, serene morning. In school June, our lovely heroine, stays true to herself no matter what, and falls in love with someone who's maybe not so good for her. She gets in a fight over her new bf's honor, but she only embarrasses him, gets detention, and gets dumped. At the prom she's a social outcast, and she can't get away from bullies and other assorted jerks. The rest of her year is awful, and over summer break she finally breaks down. She drives aimlessly, and plays video games for hours, and finally decides to make something of her life and stop moping. Years pass, and she's at college and successful; she runs into her old bf, who has since changed and become a better person. She remembers their time together, and they get back together and get married. Only her husband dies after a tragic boating accident that June blames herself for, even though it wasn't her fault at all. She finds she's pregnant, but the baby looks just like her husband and so is a standoffish mother, because she can't bear to be reminded of her husband every time she looks at her son. Moar years pass and her son finally confronts her over her iciness, and they work things out, and she dies sort of content. I think. I don't know. It makes no sense. It made sense somewhere in the middle.

So! That was horribly weird! And incoherent! Silly quizzes.

Oh, and see my userpic? *points* I'm still working on those. That's why I've been selling my soul to picture threads. I'm almost done, they should be up maybe soonish

Quote of the Day: "Now, we are going to turn the lights down low...and we are going to attempt to communicate with the dead. This song is called, "The Ghost of You.""

Oh, and one last thing...


Mikey-lifting: New Olympic sport! Attempt to lift and carry a still-strumming bassist! Gerard seems pretty good at it, methinks poor Mikey was lifted many times in his childhood. I do the same thing with my siblings. :D

24, school is for losers, dear shuffle i hate you, i are a fangirl, hermione's abcs, this took forever, my chemical romance, stupid technology, random, this makes no sense

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