(no subject)

Sep 01, 2010 09:19

Feeling random. Here we go!

- I made the most kick ass biscuits EVER last night. Seriously. These were downright amazing. And best of all, they were easy to make and CAN BE FROZEN before baking (kinda like those frozen biscuits in the store, but without the transfat and chemicals and such.) Freezing them makes it completely possible to have hot, fresh biscuits in all of 15 minutes with no real mess. GENIUS. I'll be happy to provide the recipe if anyone is interested. In fact, I might do a tutorial... with real life PICTURES and stuff! I think making biscuits can be intimidating for folks that don't bake much, but it's really so easy. So, it might be good for a tutorial, no?

- The recipe for the biscuits came from this blog:  http://sisterscafe.blogspot.com/ . I've been pouring over their recipes for the last day or two. Some of them are so simple, but look so good! I'll have to try out more of their recipes for sure.

- We finally have money in the bank. We're being super frugal at this point (we can't afford NOT to), but it's so nice to breathe a little. It's amazing how much stress and frustration money brings. Crap.

- We still haven't heard anything from Spirit, which is not surprising at all. It might take a while. But, we're still super hopeful.

- I'm feeling particularly yucky about myself lately. I look in the mirror and kinda want to cry. I know what my biggest problem is: stress eating. I get upset and make a trip to the kitchen. I swear, when you look back at photos of me (which are very few, by the way), you can gauge my overall happiness by how fat I am in them. Truly. When Macey was little and things with Chris were absolutely horrible? I was absolutely enormous. I'm not exactly to the enormous stage yet, but if I keep this up, I'm on my way. I've got the book Women, Food and God sitting on my nightstand, but I'm not able to get myself to actually READ it. Maybe today is the day. Maybe just a chapter or so a day? All I know is that I've got to do something. NOW.

- I've been continuing to make the kids' lunches every day. This might sound like no big deal to most of you, but I'm pretty darn proud of myself for it. It's a huge pain in the ass and hard to resist the urge to slap some peanut butter on some white bread and call it good. But, I'm doing my best to make GOOD lunch so that they'll actually want to eat it. At least I feel like I'm doing something right!

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