Better? Or just more hopeful?

Aug 30, 2010 11:16

Rhett had his interview on Friday afternoon. It went REALLY well. They loved his portfolio. He was able to build mad repore with the interviewers, all of whom he would be working with. Because my dad works at Spirit (completely different department, but he still has access to lots of info), we were able to find out that they are hiring TWO senior graphic artists, and from what we can tell, seven people (including Rhett) had interviews. Those are some pretty good odds. I'm not sure when we'll hear the outcome, but I'm itching to know if he'll be offered a position at Spirit.

Selfishly, I want him to get this job in the worst possible way. I want to move back "home" so badly. I hate it here in Topeka. My kids would get to see both sets of grandparents on a regular basis. I could have babysitters available to me pretty much all the time... the kind that you only have to pay with a "thank you!" and a hug. The cost of living would be less. The job *should* be quite a bit more money. I'm convinced that Rhett would be 1,000x's happier working as a graphic designer instead of the ridiculous designer/meeting expert/web dude/AV guy position that his job seemed to morph into. I would have quite a few friends in the area. I could start baking for all my friends/family (distant or otherwise) for actual MONEY. All this could mean so much for our family. But, I know that the Universe knows better than me. If it's meant to be, it will. But, my patience with the Universe is running a bit thin, you know. Either way, I will sit tight and wait.

In the meantime, we're starting to put a spit and polish on the house. We're going through things, donating what we can. We're decluttering and deep cleaning, and trying desperately to take care of those little projects that we never seem to have time to do. We're even doing a little bit of staging while we have the opportunity. Even if this job doesn't come through, we want to be somewhat prepared to move in the near future. I want this to go as quickly and smoothly as possible. But most of all, I just want this to GO THROUGH. Please?

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