It's t minus 1 hour. I have some brainstorming to do.
I have to remember to mention how TERRIBLE my trich has been, and show her my ginormous bald spot. I'm sure it will be hard to miss as long as I can bare to leave the house without covering it up. I haven't even left my room before without covering it up. I'm nervous. Perhaps a hat is in order... if I can find one. I sure hope so.
I have to remember to mention how hard this medication is making it to stay awake all day. I have needed about 13 hours of sleep per day (9 at night, 4 during the day) to be functional. It sucks! I think I need a medication change.
I just thought of something... my trich has only really gotten bad over the past three weeks. Do you think there is any chance that the medication is making it worse? Something to think about... but illogical, since high-dose SSRIs are the treatment. How could a low dose (not enough to treat trich) actually cause MORE urges? One would think it would either have no effect, or help a teeny bit.
Must remember!