{popolo} June 09 HSJ

May 22, 2009 19:44

Popolo June 2009 - From good morning! to well done! 20 Q&A CONCERT’s backstage

Member’s situation from breakfast on the day of the concert, spending time in the dressing room, right before going live, on stage, to after the concert. We followed them for everything! Take a look at their real selves in the backstage♪

Step 1: On to the venue!

Yamada answers!
Q1. How do you feel in the morning of the concert?
Korean seaweed like any other day!
I don’t wake up early just because of the concert. Instead, I might forget something if I’m too excited (laughs). I go out after eating rice with miso soup and Korean seaweed like any other day.

Q2. What’s the first thing you do when you get to the venue?
Check outfits and the set!
I’ll go to the costume room right away and check what kind of clothes to change into at what timing along with the set list! If I don’t do this, I get worried. After that, I’ll go into the venue and check the stage set.

Step2: Arrived in the dressing room!

Nakajima answers!
Q3. What do you do in the dressing room?
3 fist pumps!
All 10 people play their own favorite music to each other most of the time. Also, I try to be sure to fist pump three times before going on stage. It’s my charm to get rid feeling nervous.

Q4. What’s one thing that’s always in the dressing room?
Mostly music related
There’s nothing in the room that’s specially superstitious. We’re always listening to music so I guess there’s always a music player. There’s a speaker for that too.

Morimoto answers!
Q5. Do you eat before the stage?
I’d eat if I have time!
If I have time before going on stage, then I’d eat. I usually eat foods that are provided and members eat whatever they want. It all depends.

Q6. What’s a popular menu?
Udon or curry!
I try to eat a local specialty for that place. I think udon types and curry is popular. Everyone liked kishimen noodles that we ate in Nagoya!

Step 3: It’s almost time for the performance!

Okamoto answers!
Q7. What do you always do before going live?
Massage my face
My face gets stiff when I’m nervous so I always massage my face. Also, I don’t know why but I always trip before going on the stage. I get worried when I don’t trip (laughs).

Q8. How do you feel before going on live?
I’m going to make the audience enjoy!
Remind myself to have fun. Other than that, I try to think about how I can entertain the audience. I want them to feel good and have fun since they’re going through all the trouble to see our concert.

Chinen answers!
Q9. How are the members before the live?
I’m surprisingly relaxed
BEST always look relaxed. I guess 7 are surprisingly calm too. I feel like I’m the most stressed out of everyone (laughs). By the way, Yabu kun is always the last one out from the dressing room.

Q10. How do things go until the performance?
Get energetic with stretches!
I get dressed in my costume 20 minutes before the performance. After checking my outfit in front of the mirror for the last time, I jump around and move my body. I get my spirit up by stretching for the concert.

Step 4: Concert starts!

Takaki answers!
Q11. Are you afraid of heights?
I’m actually fine!
The moment I step on the stage, my switch turns on and I don’t feel scared anymore. If anything, I get most nervous when the first song “Overture” starts playing. Thinking “I wonder how the audiences are reacting”.

Q12. Any tips on changing costumes into fast?
Believe in the staffs and keep cool!
To keep cool because I’ll mix up the buttons when I’m in a rush (laughs), the only thing to do is to change while remaining calm. This is to be in tuned with the stylist, that’s why I do this calmed down and believing in everybody.

Arioka answers!
Q13. Do you look at the uchiwa?
They catch my attention automatically
Of course I look~! They just automatically catch my attention. I’ll know my fans in just one look. That’s why it makes me want to say “thank you”.

Q14. When do you feel happy during the concert?
Deeply moved by cry for joy
In one of the concert, there was a person who just broke into tears when I waved. When I saw that, I was really happy.

Inoo answers!
Q15. Can you see the fan’s faces?
Surprised by 5 uchiwa holder!
I can see them well. I can actually see the back rather well and I can see them better when the lights go on during encore. There was a girl who was holding 5 uchiwa with my face by herself and I was surprised by that.

Q16. When do you write the signature boards that you throw at the fans?
Before concert or before encore
Usually before concert. When I write before encore, I have to wipe my sweat and write them right away so I’m somewhat in a hurry.

Step 5: Concert ended!

Yaotome answers!
Q17. Do you shower after the performance?
Just an extent of washing my head lightly
In other part of the country, I wipe my face with a wet towel and go back to the hotel to take a long shower. In Tokyo, I just wash my head and really take a shower after going home for sure.

Q18. What do you wear during the performance?
Outfit I can relax in
Mostly jersey types. Other than that, sweats. I try to be in something I can feel relaxed the most since I do warming up too. Including me, everyone try to keep their strength for the next concert.

Yabu answers!
Q19. What do you always do after the concert?
Get mentally ready for the next concert
Look back at the concert with everyone. But after that, we all forget about the concert that day and try to change our feelings for the next concert.

Q20. How are the members after the concert?
Relax on the sofa
Yuto and Chinen sings, keeping their jolt (laughs). I guess I sit on the sofa like I’m dead (laughs).

hey!say!jump, mag:popolo

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