{popolo} June 09 HSJ

May 22, 2009 20:38

Popolo June 2009 - MC Digest

4.4 @ Osaka jo-hall
MC digest

“Mommy~” I heard Takaki talking in his sleep yesterday!?

Yabu: It’s our 2nd day in Osaka. Today was pretty energetic too!

Yaotome: Yesterday was incredible but it feels like (the concert) gets more energized as days passes.

Arioka: Gosh, we were burning up! I’m happy!

Yaotome: I got muscle pain from running too much (laughs). I stretched all night last night.

Takaki: I even went to bed early, went to bed early!

Yabu: I know, he went to bed at 10 like a kid (laughs)

Yaotome: You said “mommy~” in your sleep

Takaki: I did not (laughs)!

Yaotome: Nah, you just don’t know because you were sleeping the whole time.

Inoo: Eh, he really said that?

Takaki: Of course he’s just kidding

Nakajima: I say “mom” too

Yabu: Yuto is excused.

Takaki: Then, I can be excused too, right?

Nakajima: My mom seems like she wants to be called “mom” and calling her “mother” makes her feel like I’m going to leave her all the sudden.

Takaki: Exactly

Okamoto: I call my father “dad”

Yamada: What? Don’t you say “Ken san” sometimes? You say “ah, I got a call from Ken san”!

Morimoto: He does say “Ken san”

Okamoto: Sure, in front of people because calling him “dad” is too embarrassing.

Yabu: Then, you can just call him “father” like everyone else (laughs)!

Yamada family is really hyper

Yabu: I used to call her “mom” until 2nd grade. It was hard to get the right timing to change to “mother”

Yamada: I call her “ka-chan” [just another form for “mom”] and sometimes I call her “Hey hey hey!” (laughs)

Morimoto: Ahahaha (laughs)

Yamada: My family is hyper

Yabu: Yamada’s father is funny

Yamada: If I say “hey hey hey!” to my father, he replies “hey hey hey!” (laughs)

Inoo: Hikaru’s mother is pretty unique too. Whenever I go visit, she cooks so much food for me, like chawanmushi.

Yaotome: He comes to my house a lot to eat (laughs). All the sudden too.

Yabu: Chinen’s mother is cute too.

Chinen: Really?

Inoo: His mom is look exactly like Chinen as a girl.

Chinen: Ehehe (laughs).

Yabu: (To Takaki) By the way, do you REALLY call her “mom”?

Takaki: … (under his breath) really!

※Most Japanese say “mother” more than “Mom/Mama” and it’s considered to be more childlike to say "mom/mama".
I’m sorry for the weird translation… The point is, Takaki said “mommy” in his sleep

hey!say!jump, mag:popolo

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