{duet} May 09 Yaotome x Inoo

Apr 08, 2009 16:19

Duet May 2009 - 愛(I) Love You情 (friendship)
Yaotome Hikaru x Inoo Kei

Hikaru is nice, fun to be with, and looks good with dumbbells out of all Johnny’s (Inoo)
I think Inoo chan is the only one who can accept my “deretune” (Yaotome)

Inoo: The impression of Hikaru back then was that he always had a big backpack with dumbbells inside!

Yaotome: Ahh, I remember those days when I went from my home, Sendai to here with dumbbells.

Inoo: It was a long way so I thought how much of a wild child can you get, carrying dumbbells when you already have more luggages with you?

Yaotome: What do you mean wild child (laughs). When I used to ask someone to “sorry, hold my backpack for a sec” they’d be shocked by the weight of that thing (laughs).

Inoo: On top of that, there were 2 sets of them too.

Yaotome: 4 kg in total (laughs). To me, it was like handkerchief, tissue, and dumbbells. My first impression of Inoo chan was … what is it? I feel like I’ve been calling “Inoo chan” since we appeared on “Ya-Ya-yah” together.

Inoo: I wonder why we got along so well

Yaotome: Ah, maybe that’s because Inoo chan, Tamamori (Yuta), and I was all friends with each other.

Inoo: Oh yeah! And Dai chan was always with either me or Hikaru. Since when did we start spending time with each other?

Yaotome: Since we became JUMP of course.

Inoo: Hikaru, you’re really nice to me when it just two of us but not so much when there’s more people. That scares me.

Yaotome: Was the last “scary” part necessary? That’ll sound like I have some sort of secret intention for Inoo chan (laughs).

Inoo: That’s because you buy me tea when I never done anything to you.

Yaotome: And Inoo chan, completely stepped and crushed my kindness…

Inoo: Eh, did I?

Yaotome: I thought just buying myself a tea to drink will be awkward so I bought Inoo chan one too but he said “I don’t like this kind of tea… “! Do you usually reject things people gave you out of goodwill?

Inoo: I thought I wouldn’t want you to buy the same thing again.

Yaotome: I guess it was funny (laughs)

Inoo: Weren’t you more of coffee person?

Yaotome: I’ve been saving them since I noticed I used to drink 7 cups a day.

Inoo: 7 cups!? Isn’t that too many?

Yaotome: I don’t want to hear from someone who snatches food that I ordered like as if nothing happened.

Inoo: Ahahaha (laughs). There was some menma swimming around in Hikaru’s bowl after he was done eating so when I asked “can I have those menma since you’re done eating? And he got mad at me.

Yaotome: I wasn’t done eating. I was just resting! God, you’ve got a nosy appetite.

Inoo: Stop, you’re breaking my image. Despite the fact that I talked how “hikaru is nice” … But you sometimes reject nicely.

Yaotome: Eh… like when?

Inoo: When you don’t want to talk to me, you don’t say “shut up” you quietly put on your headphones (laughs).

Yaotome: I was tired and Inoo chan was odd happy mood so I was pretty irritated (laughs). But that was just one time!

Inoo: If I was Hikaru’s girlfriend, I’d be so hurt by now…

Yaotome: Anyone would cry if they start listening to music without saying a word (laughs).

Inoo: Yes, that was just once. You usually try to make me have fun though. When I get the same room as him during concerts, Hikaru starts his own solo concerts.

Yaotome: Ahahahahaha!

Inoo: It was after the concert ended. You should be resting from the hard work but why would you have another stage for 2 hours? On top of that, they were his original songs like “Osaka’s song”

Yaotome: My policy is to keep singing songs like “takoyaki is good~♪”until Inoo chan gets tired laughing.

Inoo: Even if I’m saying “stop it already!” I’m still laughing really hard.

Yaotome: I don’t do these even I get the same room as Yabu. It’s a live strictly for Inoo chan only.

Inoo: Eh, I didn’t know.

Yaotome: After all, you still love them don’t you?

Inoo: Yeah, I love them (laughs).

Yaotome: I’ll make sure it’ll be more memorable on the next tour … (smirk)

Inoo: Actually, I’m a little scared (laughs).

Yaotome: I can spend hours doing pointless stuff with Inoo chan.

Inoo: You’re right. I bet this relationship won’t change for years on end.

Yaotome: But after 5 years, my name would be probably erased from your address book…

Inoo: Hey! Our friendship was about to be settled in for good but why would you kill the vibe at the end?

Yaotome: I’m more of “deretsun” rather than “tsundere”… get it?

Inoo: Ahh, kind of. You usually leave mad when someone says “well, bye” when we were having a fun conversation. I know you do that jokingly but it leaves a bad vibe (laughs).

Yaotome: I don’t like to say “bye bye” when I was just having a great time. It’s rather lonesome.

Inoo: Uwaa~! You’re an attention whore!

Yaotome: Yeah! I crave attention! The reason why I burst out singing in dressing rooms is because I see Inoo chan trying to spend your own free time. I sing because I want your attention!

Inoo: I’m really happy that I’m your “friend”

Yaotome: Eh, why?

Inoo: I would never be able to rest my nerves if I was your “girlfriend” (laughs)

hsb:inoo kei, mag:duet, hsb:yaotome hikaru

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