I need some free time, I need to get away.

Oct 21, 2004 22:05

I have 37 hours till my plane leaves. I am nowhere near ready. The dress is still with the seamstress. The Laundry in the basket. The suitcases are empty.
I blame the whole fiasco on the alarming lack of lists. I used to write a list a day. Sometimes because I needed to at work. Sometimes just to organize my day.
I have not written a list in about a month. It is so scary. I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants. I dont know what to do next! I guess I could write a list.

To Do Before Work Tomorrow(1:30pm):

Pack Clothes
Pack toilettries
Pack Gifts
Decide what to wear to rehursal dinner.
Break in Shoes
Get Dress from Laura
Lose a gajillion pounds
Stop laughing at suggestion of losing weight and hope friends recognize me.
Quit the self depricating talk and give myself a quick pep-talk.
Laugh again
Drink again
Get on plane.
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