our shells simply cant hold our insides in

Oct 23, 2004 01:49

Ok you can all breathe. I got the dress. a little big(thank God). but i made some alterations that will do. The shoes look alright with it. Ok enough Girly stuff.

I Would love to make a list of things i have planned while i'm there but i realized that I have zero time. So here is what is for certain.

Sunday night- after Reception i'm back in sac.
Monday-free. (we never settled on the whole picnic thing but i think if its nice outside i'll still want
to hang out at the park. I miss trees)
Tuesday- Daytime: No Plans.
Early evening: Dougs place, or my place to prepare for an evening out.
Night: Lipstick!!! (omg so excited to dance, i think i forgot how!)
Wednesday- Lunch with people? Plane leaves at 8:00pm.

Wow. I feel like I have so much to do. But i am pretty much packed. I think I'm just not mentally prepared for the trip.

I am sooo tired. Whoa. I think I'll get up early and do everything. I'm so much better in the mornings. Yes, mornings.
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