I've got this thing that I consider my only art.

Oct 19, 2004 10:57

As the Wedding/visit approaches more rapidly i find myself wanting to post more often. Not that I have a whole lot to post about.
The weather here is gorgeous. And if you know me well that means its overcast,threatening rain, with fog in the distance. So much my favorite time of year. I was worried when I moved here that we wouldnt get this weather. We have the look of a normal autumn except I havent even worn a sweater yet. Strange it looks like its 60 degrees and feels 70. but i'm not complaining. I'm feeling festive.

Andy is asleep on my sofa, he's sick with a cold. Poor guy. Greta is asleep upstairs. Go Greta. I have been killing time for an hour and a half. it kinda sucks having a different sleeping schedule than your friends.

Sucks for them!
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