Part 2

Sep 21, 2005 13:09

*settles in with her punch and enjoys the stream of sunshine coming in through her window

I'm back again. I posted a while back about some changes that I was thinking about making in my life and a different career path that I was looking into. I realized upon talking to diluted_aura on the phone that I hadn't really mentioned what it was. I know that by now some of you have talked to me and know about it, but I thought I would put it in writing anyways so that it's out there.

I am seriously considering working in music promotion. Since the beginning of the year, I've been doing PR work for Ingram Hill and have really been enjoying it, though I have to say that I've been a little more serious about it here towards the end of their tour.

At the show in Greensboro, where I first met Starting Tuesday something clicked when I talked to them after the show and saw that they were making change for CDs out of their own pockets. I went home that night and emailed the guys to let them know that I enjoyed their set and was happy to meet them. I added that if they needed help with flyers or whatever, to let me know.

Scott emailed me back and that's how I started helping them out. Daniel brought the flyers...I put them out and worked merch for that show and volunteered to work for them again when they came back to town. That night I made some marketing suggestions to Scott as we were going out the door and much to my surprise, he took my advice and acted on it. So many exciting things are happening with them right now and I am sooooo excited for them!

Also, at the Florez show, I met their manager Brian Smith and he was talking to me about how he got into working with the guys and what his core values and beliefs are. He later emailed me and kind of mentored me on the ins and outs and what I really need to do and things like that if I am serious about this. I thought that was really awesome of him! Thanks Smitty!!!!!

I've also been in touch with Amy at Pandemonium about working with her and so far there are no paid positions, but I think I am going to do some work for them on my days off to at least gain the experience and see where that might take me. It's something that I am really interested in and think I might actually be good at, so I am looking forward to exploring this path.

I'll keep you posted on what's going down with all of it! For now, all I know is that Starting Tuesday have asked me to help them with their marketing and I plan on working merch for them whenever they come into town and I can make it to the show. They are good boys and I am more than glad to do it.

I wanna give a shout out to my boy Ken...the bassist. He really made my night better the other night by coming by and making me laugh and checking on me. He is SO fun!

Also...Daniel...thanks for walking me to the car're my hero!

Until next time...I'll leave you with my favorite quote from Scott, the lead singer:

"Life is about far greater things then that which we are inclined to settle for; let us live for what is best, not for merely good." -- Scott Cash (Starting Tuesday)"

careers, music, starting tuesday

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