Little ole me...

Sep 21, 2005 11:58's been ages. Why? I really couldn't tell you. Sometimes I just spend minimal time here in front of this computer and other times I am attached to it like a piece of extra

So...what's been going on with me?

Well, as many of you know, I have entered the world of people with cell phones. haha. Yes I know, how did I survive this long without one? *shrugs It wasn't that difficult really, but I am seeing some perks to the situation.

For the past three weeks I have been blessed enough to have been driving a friend's car. She is in Russia and before leaving, she called to say that she'd had a great idea and wondered if I might "babysit" the car for her. It's been a lot of fun even though I haven't really gone anywhere further than the day I took her to the airport. haha. Tonight, however, she is coming back and so I will once again be without a vehicle. It's sad.

I've also been stricken with a cold over the past week or so and it's been a dandy. It's not the flu, so I haven't been THAT bad, but at the same time, it's been a loooooooong week and surprisingly I thought I was getting better, but woke up this morning once again feeling nothing less than rough. I've been drinking this great punch (thanks mustangcandi for the recipe) that's chock full of vitamin C and things and have been popping echinacea whenever I can...but it's still here. *hangs head

In other news...LOST premieres tonight and Numb3rs premieres on Friday night (SO EXCITED AM I) and the 2 hour finale of Atlantis is on as well. John Sheppard...mmmm...Oh wait...yes...I was making a post. Ahem...

I've also been working on a side project that I'll let you guys in on when I have it up and running. For now, it's merely a shell and there's no sense in sharing just yet. But, never fear...I will do it. haha

I have tons more to talk about, but I think this is enough excitment for one post, so we'll save some of that stuff for another one. I love you guys and hope that everyone is doing well and that you are happy! Love and huggles...Tina
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