Busy days ahead...

Sep 22, 2005 10:40

Things are going to be quite busy around the ranch here for a few days! For those interested, Ingrid made it back from Russia safely, though she is also inflicted with a cold...poor girl. She sounds way worse than I do. *e-huggles to Ingrid.

LOST was good - just like always...suspensful and leaving me with tons of questions. I am glad I am semi-patient. hahaha Also...Jack was never cute to me...suddenly he is...what the heck happened? hahaha I got cracked up in one scene when my ears perked up because his dad said, "Dr. Shephard, may I have a word with you?" I was like, "Sheppard? What? Where?" HAHAHA Yes...I know...crazy...over here. *points to self

Tonight Candi, Domenick and I are heading to Charlotte to see Michael Tolcher. I am soooooo excited about that. It's been AGES since we've seen him. He came close once, but that happened to be the same weekend that Candi and I headed up to VA Beach to see Ingram Hill. I can't believe it's the freakin' end of September already...blows my mind, it does.

Tomorrow night...well...naturally it's the season premiere of Numb3rs!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!! OMG! I've missed Don like nobody's business! Charlie and Alan too, of course...but you know how I am about my Agent. *le sigh

It's also the 2 hour finale of Atlantis...which in all honesty doesn't make sense to me because it seems like this season just started. But anywho...*shrugs. I had to put this in its own paragraph from the Friday stuff because you know...Don and John don't know about each other. *wink

Then Saturday Candi and I are pairing back up with Domenick for Drag Bingo. Not sure what I am getting myself into, but it's for a good cause and I think it will be a lot of fun.

Sunday after work I think Candi and I are going to delve into the series "Firefly" in preparation for Serenity. If you guys don't know it yet, David Krumholtz has a role in this movie. WHEEEEEEEEE!!!

Then Monday...it's off to Chili's because all of the proceeds for that day go to St. Jude's Children's hospital. YAH!!!

For today, however...the time in nearing when I must go to the gym. It is weigh and measure day, so if you don't hear from Candi and I for a few hours...we're probably taking a nap to be oblivious...LOL! The last time we did this, we had great results and that kicked it up a notch for me to want to work out...hopefully that will happen again today since I am still feeling a little weak from this cold.

Alrighty then...I guess I'll leave you guys with that for now. Talk to you later!! Take care! Love and huggles....T
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