Moving Forward!

Jan 02, 2016 20:12

I promise I won't tell you guys every single time I work out but 2 days in a row! WOOT!

I also took a morning jaunt to the grocery store to stock up on clean foods. I got a LOT of fruits and veggies and snacks for work. I also found that I really like the Kroger over on the side of town I'll be moving to. So that's a good thing! As usual, whenever I go to that Kroger, I had my duet with someone. I don't know what it is about that particular store but I'll find myself singing along to whatever is over the PA and sure enough, someone joins in and we belt things out and then continue shopping. It's kind of epic.

I turned in my first class in Ravelry this morning. I finished some potholders for a friend so that was cool.

I'm now working on my second project. It's a shawl for my sister. It will look like this:

This is my new popular item. I've made 2 already and after this one I've had another request. LOL

I'm also getting geared up to start knitting again. I knit very tightly -- in fact -- I broke my cable, which is something that's unheard of. Since that debacle I haven't tried to knit anything again. My knitting guru told me I need to go up 2 more needle sizes from what the pattern says and that will help. So I'll let you know when I pick up the needles again. I got some neat new yarn that I want to use to make something with so I just have to decide what.

Anywho my first full official day in my new job is Monday so that's going to be exciting. I'm really looking forward seeing what this job holds. I know it won't be all roses and sunshine but I think it's going to be good.

I hope everyone is doing well! *huggles

crochet, exercise, food, knitting, jobs

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