Jan 01, 2016 12:08

Day 1. So far so good. LOL

I got up this morning and before I could talk myself out of it -- I worked out.

I did Kathy Smith's Project: YOU Foundation workout and it was fun. Just the right amount of cardio to get me going and just the right amount of me being awkward in trying to follow their steps that I got a chuckle out of it as well.

I've already drank 20 oz of water today so that's a big deal for me and I had a pretty healthy breakfast. I do need to go to the grocery store and grab some things so that I can eat healthy during the week. The good news is, I already stocked up on some things that will be helpful, such as boneless, skinless chicken breasts that I can do a myriad of things with.

I hate weekend grocery shopping but I can't drive in the dark anymore so I think I'll just need to figure out a set time (i.e. Saturday mornings early or Sunday early while people are in church) and just go and do it. I know I'll need to go more frequently to get fresh produce, etc. I'm really looking forward to it, actually. : )

So, I've exercised, actually ate a decent breakfast, drank more water already today than I usually do in an entire day AND I've posted to my journal. I'm on a roll.

I'm going to go and write my vacate notice to send with my rent check and check out my classes in Ravelry. I'm off!

exercise, ravelry, food

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