What a week! I thought the first week of class was usually the most hectic (aside from finals) but wow...this week was crazy. I had to do the dreaded work of seating charts, attendance sheets, etc.
Also, Professor Carlson and I submitted the book we've been working on since June to the publisher this week! WOOHOO!! We've been working on it since June...so it was a big moment. I can't wait to see what this edition will look like!! : )
I also came to the realization this week that although most assistants have five or so professors, I have sixteen all together!! Granted, some of them aren't teaching this semester, but still. That's a lot of people to be responsible for. This realization came when a new professor came and spoke with me and I realized that she was being neglected. Her "assistant" has never done that job before...she's in another department. Well, she also doesn't like to learn new things and took a bunch of time off without consulting with the professor to see if she would need help or needed anything before she left. So...start of the semester, first time teaching here...and she didn't have the foundation she needed. So, I took her under my wing this week and got a bunch of stuff done for her and cut down her stress by a LOT. It felt good. : ) I'd like to think that was my Random Act since she's technically not mine. : )
Though it was crazy busy, it was a good week. : )
I started watching Leverage and am most of the way through the first season.
I am nearly finished with the third book in Dean Koontz' Frankenstein series and getting ready to start the fourth.
Today, my friend Jaime and I went to pick up some bbq from a fundraiser and then chatted and had a nice talk. I enjoyed myself.
Then, when she left, I headed over to check out the exercise facility we have here at the complex. I cranked up my ipod and strutted my stuff. : ) I walked three miles and I kid you not, at one point, the Rocky Theme started playing. hahaha It was so awesome! I felt like I needed a montage and wanted to punch in the air and be like HELL YEAH! hahahaha Anywho...I'm proud of myself for going and doing that and I hope to make a habit of it now that I am familiar with it and such. : )
OH! A member of Random Acts set out on a trip across the country doing random acts of kindness as she went and a super exciting one was that she stopped in Lawrence, Kansas!!! For you SPN fans, that will mean something. Anyhow...some of us sent her our addresses and we got cards from there!! It was so cool! I am way fangirly excited about it. hahaha So, I thought in turn...I would send HER a thank you note for HER kindness in taking the time to send the cards. : )
I am still doing well with my no caffeine and no soda. I DID cheat a little and have a soda when I was sick last weekend, just trying to settle my stomach. Otherwise, I have been doing well, but I woke up today with a headache that only got worse and worse so I took some Excedrin. It didn't used to effect me at all, but I am bouncing off of the walls today. LOL
zanyrainey I haven't forgotten you. Cam emailed and said he is going to send me the song, but hasn't yet. As soon as it is in my clutches, it will be in yours. : )
In other news...I'm having an early birthday celebration next weekend!! WOOT!!!
mustangcandi is coming and hopefully my friend Kim (who is in NC)! YAY!!!! That's also when I'll get my Ozzy-kitty. : ) Candi and I are going to see Conan (who doesn't want a giant hunk of manflesh for their birthday? *licks) and eat Chipotle (my fave). I am getting really excited about it!! I usually don't get that excited about my birthday...lol Yes, this year I will be working on my birthday as it's a Wednesday, but I am determined that I am still going to enjoy my day and maybe watch something tasty that evening. : )
Last, but not least, DIVINE is TOMORROW!!!!!! YAYYYY!! I'm so excited! I mean, Misha Collins as a priest? It's like a dream come true! : )
Here is a teaser if you are curious:
Click to view
The show goes live at 7PM PST and you can watch it on Youtube or here:
Divine: The Series I hope everyone is doing well and that those of you in Irene's path are safe! *huggles