What's that? A real update? *gasp*

Aug 20, 2011 22:10

First and foremost...Happy Birthday to the amazing and wonderful Misha Collins!! He's been a big inspiration to me here lately. ♥

Gosh, it's been so long since I've actually posted something personal, a lot has happened. First, I saw Josh Groban again and though I at times had trouble seeing the stage, when he came to perform on a smaller stage in the middle of the room, he was literally right behind me, so I had an amazing view. LOVE Josh. He is SO funny and god, there is nothing like his voice, live. It was a very good show, and he was very interactive with the audience. I loved it.

Then, *le sigh* yes, I went to see NKOTBSB...if you think that sounds like fangirl overload, you have no idea. I swear every time Donnie Wahlberg moves, I am 12 again and am jumping and screaming and just flailing all over the place. hahah Especially since, I am not kidding you, he looks better than he ever has and literally ripped his blank tank top off. I thought I was going to wet myself or have a stroke. HAHAHA

Then...the most amazing thing happened. As for BSB, since the beginning I've alwyas been an AJ girl. His voice can just melt my panties right off. At one point during the show, the boys came down from the back of the audience, and since I had previously touched Keith Urban, I told Candi, it was her turn to touch the manpretty. Well...Howie came down and she did get to touch him. The next thing I know, I am being yanked over to the edge and she's telling me AJ is coming. I was a bit stunned, but turned to try and find him. Then, there he is...coming down the stairs. I thought, with all these hot ladies, there is no way he's going to see or acknowledge me, but I'll give it a shot (most of the time I am seemingly invisible). So, I hold out my hand and patiently wait for him to get closer. The next thing I know, he taked my hand and shakes it and looked right into my eyes like we are old friends and says, "Hello." RIGHT AT ME. o_O Honestly...I am STILL stunned over it and can't believe it happened. AJ Freakin McLean acknowledged my existence. Wow. Yeah.

Then came the great exodus...moving to an apartment and Candi moving to Arkansas. But before that happened, we started watching Supernatural and nonstop I marathoned all six seasons. I spent so much time with those boys that I didn't know what to do with myself when the seasons were over. I was lost. LOL Surprisingly, I'm a Dean girl. I expected I would be a Sam girl. It's puzzling, but I stopped questioning. : ) Also, of course, I have a super soft spot for Castiel. He's adorable, funny...and badass all at the same time. As of the end of Season 6, without being spoilery, let's just say I've been a bit traumatized. *sigh Thanks to seramercury and mustangcandi for holding my hand through it. LOL

Then I got caught up on The Walking Dead. Not enough episodes. LOL And I have to wait until October for more. WHY??? hehe Very, very good character development in this show and well, Norman Reedus is in there. : )

I've been going to church, yoga, and zumba, and an occasional activity with work friends...and reading like a fiend. I've been reading the Event Group Series by David Lynn Goleman (LOVE), then I read The Host by Stephenie Meyer and didn't want that book to end...she always does that to me. Now, I am reading the Frankenstein series by Dean Koontz.

Whew...told you there was a lot. LOL Now...I survived the first week of classes. It was hectic, as I thought it would be. I realized that I have 16 professors all together that I work for, where the normal assistant has like 5. Seriously?? But, I love all of my peeps. I was so excited when the students got back...and was watching the hallway looking for some of my faves from last year. One thing I can say...I love my job. Yes, I just said that. I really do...I'm not being sarcastic.

Other big news...I cut out caffeine AND soda probably about 2 weeks ago and am doing well with that. I have to admit that this week, I really questioned what I was thinking doing that before the start of the semester. HAHA Hopefully I'm going to be going to the fitness center here at my apartment complex to walk on the treadmill soon. I've been taking baby steps so I don't feel overwhelmed and just not do anything. LOL

As for Random Acts, not sure if you all saw my post, but as of August 7th when the project closed, the Hope to Haiti project had raised over $170,000!! Thanks to everyone who helped with that! I'm only sorry I didn't get in on it sooner, but better late than never. I'll be on the front lines for the next one. :)

In other news...as of Labor Day weekend, if everything goes as planned, I will be the proud mama of a new kitty. : ) I will send pics when he gets here...again, if all goes well. He's 7-8 years old, yellow kitty named Ozzy. I am trying not to get too excited, but, well, I am. LOL

One last thing...my friend Cam Nacson has done an amazing mashup of Adele's "Someone Like You" and Augustana's "Boston". I can't stop listening to it. If you like stuff like that, have a listen:

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Ok, I think I've overwhelmed you enough for now. I'll try and post more often so that you don't have so much to read next time. LOL

I hope everyone is doing well!!! LOVE!! ♥

nkotbsb, random acts, josh groban, health, spn, aj, misha collins, ozzy, books, work

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