Beautiful Day...

Apr 24, 2008 16:34's a beautiful day today. The temperature is wonderful...the sun is shining and aside from a couple of slight irritations, it's been a good day.

I started transcribing a journal for someone today that was their mother's. I really got into it...immersed in was like reading a good book or watching a movie, except you know it was someone's real life. It was a pretty amazing process...watching their kids grow up...being there for their first teeth...their first birthdays...things like that. I'm not sure how I am going to do it, but I would love to finish it before we leave. So far, she is only hiring me through tomorrow...and I only got through most of a year.

When I got home, Candi and I went for a walk and it was really nice...just being outside and breathing in the fresh air, absorbing the sunshine, looking at the beautiful flowers...and talking to your bestie about real life and fictional life. hehehe

I've been patiently waiting for my diploma from DeVry and sent an email at the end of last month to ask when it was going to arrive and if there was anything that I needed to do. I was assured that everything was fine and it was on its way. Now that we are moving, I wanted to send another email to see if it would be here before I move or not and was told that I had a hold on my account. ::blink:: Did I...or did I not ask you assholes if there was a problem? Also...let me ask you this...don't you think someone would have called to inform ME that there was a hold? Even an email that just said, " have to do this in order to get your diploma...thanks" would have been fine, but I haven't heard a peep from anyone and thought it was just in the process. I've been eagerly checking the mail every day...*scowls at them

Anywhooooooo(as our beloved Charles would say)...then I had to take Candi to lab. For the record...I want to state publicly that I hate that more than I hate stubbing my toe...getting a papercut, and more than I hate Robin. In effect...I REALLY hate it. I know that she has stuff to do and she needs to get finished, but sucks to take your best friend to a place and leave her there when you know it's been the source of so much stress and misery. *wants to cry

I called and talked to my brother for a few minutes and called one of my District Street Team Captains, but had to leave a message for him. My brother is so clueless...he thought I was already in Georgia...seriously my live attention. hahaha I know I don't post much...which means, it shouldn't be that hard to keep up with me. o_O

One other thing I want to do is give a shoutout to my newest friends here on LJ! Welcome to sueann1, cgfan06, and pruehall!!! I don't post as often as I could, but I have been trying to do better! : )

Well...gonna go for now...but see ya on the flip side. *wink

devry, family, new friends, candi, work

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