
Apr 25, 2008 23:45

Today I was once again immersed in the journal that I told you about today -- I got 40 more pages done. : ) The good news is that Catherine is interested in keeping me working on it for as long as I can (which I am sure I can finish it before time to leave). I'm glad about this because I hate handing things over to people when I've become vested in it, you know?

I went through the entire process of the woman finding out she was once again pregnant and from previous entries, I knew she wanted a girl. It was so exciting for me to know that she was going to get her wish! : )

The biggest part of the experience for me, and a bit emotionally draining was the entire process of the John F. Kennedy assassination and the subsequent assassination of Lee Oswald. In reading was as though I were there, mourning with the rest of the world...and she even included a newspaper clipping that was very moving. The journal was very detailed, and went through the entire process...even when his wife knelt next to the casket, prayed...and kissed the flag before rising again.

I was feeling several things -- one that I think about often in general...what it feels like to lose someone you love and think is always going to be there. The fact that even though it's sad, we often take those closest to us for granted and treat them worse than we would strangers or new friends. Did they know the extent of their love for one another before he was taken from her too soon? I can't even imagine the pain she was going through, after having just buried their newborn child and then losing her husband as well.

Then there's the whole issue of how many people were touched by this untimely death and by how unspeakable it was. Peoples all over the world were affected. It really struck me then...what happened? What happened to that feeling...that America...that dream? I admit that I am not into politics and don't talk politics AT ALL...but I really can't imagine that nations worldwide would mourn the loss of any current office holders. It's sad...and sometimes makes me wish I were around at a time to know what it would have been like to feel that way about the leader of our country.

Have I bored you all to tears yet? I know it's not my usual kind of post, but it's been on my mind all day. I cried a lot while transcribing and had to stop and go outside with the dog for some fresh air for a bit. I was glad when she got back to talking about her children and the house they were fixing up...and things like that. I will be going back on Tuesday to work more. I am looking forward to it.

In other news...and this is completely and utterly exciting to me in a fangirl way that some of you may or may not understand. In my Facebook stalkerness (hey, at least I can admit it) a while back I found Jamie Beswarick (Think WETA and if you don't know what this is...we need to talk). I had completely forgotten about it until today when I got a notification that "Jamie Beswarick has confirmed you as a friend on Facebook." Seriously...I squeed...I know, I am such a dork, but I couldn't help it. Candi was working on restarting her computer and so she wasn't online and I was DYING over here!!! I don't know why, but I've always just loved Jamie and was so excited to see that he also worked on King Kong too. *spins I haven't worked my way up to sending him a message yet...because I don't like to sound fangirly when I talk to people and so I need to gather my wits about me a bit before I do that. LOL

Candi and I went for a walk again today, and while it was a bit warmer out today than yesterday, it still wasn't to the point that I felt I was in danger of a migraine, so that was good. It's been nice to get out and do that. Then we went out for a yummy lunch and came home and took a nap.

I got a letter from kukalaka today (waves)!! It was so great to hear from you girlie!! *beams

My neck has REALLY been hurting again lately -- but to the point that the pain makes me nauseas. It's feeling a little better now (surprisingly) and so I am not going to question. I just hope I can get some sleep tonight. I haven't been sleeping well. : (

I've been making plans to spend the day with my niece and sister-in-law the next time I go home...I am looking forward to it. Julena has apparently been going through her terrible twos and testing all of her limits I's not funny...but I know she'll grow out of it eventually. I don't think it helps that she keeps getting moved around all of the time and is having a hard time in feeling settled and stable. Poor girl is probably confused.

No comment on Numb3rs yet as I am still processing.

fanny, julena, jfk, journal, jamie beswarick

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