TGIF/The First Three Days of Classes...

Sep 01, 2006 21:02


TGIF has never meant so much to me, and I don't mean the tv programming that used to come on Channel 7 (whatever happened to that anyway? lol) I mean, thank GOD it's Friday!!! Today is Friday!!!! It's Friday!!!

I went to my classes the past few days and every thing has been alright. I am considering dropping Biology though....I am unsure. I am soooo glad that Monday is no school because I need rest FOR REAL!!! The waking up extra early to be on-time for classes and the going to bed late at night to study, do homework and take notes has been taking a toll on me and it's only been three days. Honestly, my body was still used to the summer, meaning, it was still used to getting up whenever  and not necessarily at a acheduled time. Well, thanks be to God, I have all my books and I am set!!! All I really want now is a job, but as in all things, the result shall come to pass in the fullness of time.

Today, my art class was canceled (oh yeah, I overheard that a crane crashed into one of the windows of Marillac yesterday....I don't know if it was a window, but I saw the fire department on campus after 10), so I bought my History book and headed on home. I called Sylvester, took the E to 42nd Street where I got the 2, met Rich at 180th, got off at GunHill, took 2 pictures for my passport tomorrow, and used my transfer on the 41 bus afterwards to meet Syl. Then I walked, yup...WALKED from his house to mine. That HAD to be a mile, no exaggeration, now that I think about it, but it was cool because I got home in 32 mins (I took back streets). Soon, I am going to go sleep though. I need rest, especially after my approx. 5 hrs of sleep last night and the fact that I have to be up at 8 or so tomorrow to go to the Post Office to do my passport then go to Harlem for my new glasses (or contacts.....hmmm....). Yup...I have been busy.

Well, I am out like trout. Gross, why trout? Why not tuna? I love tuna. lol

I'm out like tuna. Uh...not quite what I was looking for. I'm uno like tuna? Uno like tuno? Una like tuna? Would the "a" make it feminine, like Spanish and other languages? LOL I NEED to go to sleep.


Have a good weekend!
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