Writer's Block: Hard habit to break

Feb 11, 2010 11:04

Do you have any bad habits that negatively impact your life? Are you trying to overcome them or have you learned to live with them? How do they affect you on a daily basis?

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I believe I have bad habits, both physical and mental.

My physical bad habit is knuckle-cracking. I've cracked my finger knuckles since the age of 8. I saw my friend do it right in front of me and inquired, "How do you do that?" And I tried to do it myself, failing miserably amungst the expert. He took my hand, "Here," and bent my finger with a loud "crack." It hurt and I pulled my hand away, but I thought for some reason that it was a talent, and considered it cool.

Then over the years I developed the ability to crack other things, such as my neck, back, elbows, toes, and ankles. It helped me loosen up and not feel so stiff.

I've tried numerous times to quit knuckle cracking. The longest I've gone is maybe 6 months. Seems decent enough, until I cracked them in class one day without realizing it 'til later. It always becomes a difficult task not to crack when someone you know does it also and are around you when they do it.

{And to be perfectly honest, I cracked my knuckles JUST NOW, from thinking about all of this, and my back as well. :/ }

The cracking of my ankles negatively impacts my life. It started with me cracking them "manually" sort to speak. But over time it has grown into a worse problem:"automatic." They crack when I walk 70% of the time and it's made  it so I cannot run great distances without my ankle locking up, resulting in me falling to th ground. :( It prevented me from joining Track Team in HS, and it prevents me now from jogging most of the time. I still jog, or try to 3 times a week in the nicer weather.

As for a mental bad habit, I tend to shut down, or give up before trying when faced with certain questions or challnges in life. I feel intimidated and pressured when it comes to change or new things in life. I fear failure, which is always a possibility, but I ignore all probability that I might not fail an me not trying makes the probability of success 0%

It's something I'm getting better with. I'm learning to accept that things change and change can be good, especially when aided with a positive attitude. My attitude is generally negative and I've been doing my best to get out of such a closed minset.   It's affected every decision I've made nearly my whole life, and has prevented me from going very far in life thus far.

However, I have great friends for guiding me as I dig my way out of this rut.  And I'm sure with their support, I can overcome any bad habit.

- JML -
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