Help needed finding an image

Oct 31, 2010 08:28

I am in the process of designing a banner and to complete it I need a specific High Def screen-shot of the back of Castiel's head.
I am hoping that someone on my flist will be able to help me find it.

I scanned through just about every episode that featured Castiel in Season 4 but I finally found a suitable shot in Season 6 E03 - I am OCD like that.
The only problem is the screen-shot I have is very low def and blurry.
If someone has a HD copy of this screen-shot, and is willing to share it with me - please comment here.

I have included the screen-shot and a description of the scene under this cut.

The shot I am looking for takes place while Castiel is telling Dean and Sam above Raphael's plan to rule heaven.
Castiel says "It is simple Raphael and his followers" and turns to face Sam.

I anyone can help me out I would be very, very grateful.

I did find a link where I can download all the screen-caps for The Third Man but the file is 205MB, which is a bit much!

Thanks for your help!
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