My thoughts on Supernatural 6 ep 8

Nov 14, 2010 09:49

In the past two weeks I watched the whole of Season five and now I have started on Season 6 and I have to say I am very frustrated.
Show has posed a whole lot of frustrating questions that I want answered - that is the ONLY reason I am still watching Supernatural.

The big question that I want answered is: What is Sam's motivation in all this?
We know what Dean's is - he wants Sam to get his soul back.
We are even given an idea as to why Samuel is working for Crowley but I want to know why Sam is taking part in the search for Alpha's?

The only working theory I can come up with is this: He doesn't want to get thrown back into Hell, but if that is the reason he is hunting then why doesn't he just come straight out and tell Dean?

What else do you hold over a man with no soul? If you read between the lines of his nice insincere monologue at the end of episode eight, Sam makes it quite clear that he doesn't care at all about Dean. Sam needs Dean for some inexplicable reason, but he doesn't care about him.

So why has Sam been hunting from the start? It's not because he wants his soul back - Crowley is dangling that bait for Dean's benefit. The way Sam goes on about doing regrettable things in the line of duty makes it sound like he considers himself a soldier in a war, so who is issuing his orders?

Another thing that bugs me is why Sam needs Dean to be part of this hunt. He harps on and on about how he needs Dean but I just don't buy it. Sam is more than capable of hunting on his own and if he needs backup he has Bobby and Samuel, so why does he need to keep Dean close?

Take for example Sam's little speech at the end of episode eight.
What I think Sam is really saying:
I don't have a soul, I don't particularly want to get it back but I need to keep you close so I am going to lie to you and hope you don't call me on it.
What I think Dean hears:
Blah Blah soul blah regrets blah .. here is a reason for you to hang around, now be a good big brother and take the bait.

Maybe there is some brilliant plot that will answer all these questions in an entertaining and insightful way but I am not holding my breath.
Truth is I think that Sam's soullessness is just Crowley's way of keeping Dean distracted from whatever he has planned.


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