A graceful thank you.

Nov 03, 2004 18:42

To those who voted to keep George Bush in office because of single issues, wedge issues, or just to "keep those libs out", I want to extend my warm thanks.

You may have voted for the man who began a war of choice against an enemy that never attacked us and has only proven "the real bad guys" right in their rhetoric about America being the bully of the world. Terrorist activity is higher than it ever has been since such records have been kept - which is well before that magical Bandwagon Patriotism number of nine hundred and ten plus one. But I'm sure you thought you voted for the man who knows how to keep us safe.

You may have voted for the administration that has gotten away with bald-faced lies to the public thanks to a firm testicular grip on an ever-sadder media, all the while utterly destroying any concept of accountability and transparency within our government. Death tolls, children left behind, uncounted deaths due to an utter failure to address domestic issues. But I'm sure you thought you voted for the administration that carried the Moral Umbrella.

You may have voted for the group responsible for increased government activity and utter lack of financial responsibility at the highest levels of this country's offices. But I'm sure you thought you voted for someone who represents what the Republican party used to stand for.

You may have voted for the man shipping your job overseas while underfunding his No Child Left Behind Act. Altering test scores and creating loopholes for businesses to send their money to other countries is not a fine way to make this country flourish when it's sinking. An economic downturn only becomes a recession when you destroy the country's budget on wars and tax breaks all the while increasing spending in every appreciable sector of the government. Fortunately, all you need to do is have someone fudge some numbers, and hey - it's now the "Clinton Recession". But I'm sure you thought you voted for someone who had a "real plan" for America.

Thank you, voters, for allowing all of this to pass. Thank you for letting Bush's administration ignore America, display one of the poorest Presidencies in this nation's history, and openly destroy the world's faith in the United States as some sort of sane country. Thank you for letting Bush destroy our ecology, our economy, and our children's education, and then stepping right into line when he starts yelling GAY, GOD, or TERROR. All it takes is a little "us versus them" posturing, and everyone snaps to behind their party lines and starts throwing stones. Who cares that there's no Social Security when them damn gays might marry if we don't write needless bigotry into the constitutions of each state? Who cares that this administration has spent lives, years, and tax money on a war we had no right or need to begin when John Kerry's gonna eat your babies with cajun seasoning if you let him? Thank you for letting them know that no matter how pathetically thin their lies and open their manipulations of the law get, we'll just sit back and let them keep going.

If you thought the past four years were bad, just wait until we see an administration not only encouraged by the reaction of the people, but by the notion that in four years they won't have to answer to anyone at all. The only cold comfort this election brings is that when the repercussions of Bush's "plans" for domestic issues bring the problems everyone sane has projected, he won't be able to quietly order someone in an office somewhere to change government records in order to blame it on the guy that came before him.

rant, politics, anger

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