Observations from my trip home OR Things I miss while in WV:
(in no particular order, only in the order they arise)
- Putting "Miss my friends" here would be so trite and predictable.
- Miss Cable Internet... Mom has dialup service on some ancient phone lines way older than me and probably her.
- They do have a 'new style' Olive Garden here though that I really like. It's like being in a really nice living room at some fancy Italian house. haha
- Somehow (???), Norfolk International ran out of fuel for the planes the same day I flew out.
- There are also no Banana Republic or Express stores within a 50 mile radius. (I know, how gay is that remark)
- It's strange walking into my old bedroom. What used to be a totally blue room is now a totally peach/pink room. Here's the room pic:
While I'm at it, here's the clock in my room that I made in shop class in 7th grade... hehe
- Most of the people flying into the Charleston WV airport are 20-30 somethings going home to visit their families.
- More and more of my friends and family members are married, have kids, and gained weight. I did see a couple today though that were hot girls in high school and are still hot today, post-baby.
- Mom's house is always soooo clean and perfect, I am totally jealous and happy for her. I guess I can see where some of my anal retentiveness comes from. =)
- Mom and I had our pictures taken at a studio today. We picked out the ones we liked, but we don't get the final copies until Dec 15. Maybe I'll post them.
- I went to church Wednesday night. It was interesting and uplifting as always. Some of you from bigger cities need to try out a service at a little tiny country church sometime. :)
- I totally smashed my right pinky-toe on a door here at home. LOL Don't ask. Maybe I'll post a lovely pic of that too.
- 11am Thursday: Jeremy wakes up and it's SNOWING!
- Thanksgiving dinner at Mom's was good: turkey, stuffing, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, cranberry stuff, rolls, and my favorite, chocolate pecan pie. mmmmmm
- Thanksgiving dinner at Dad's was good: turkey, stuffing, green beans, crab cakes, bread, and cherry pie. mmmmm
- I forgot how much fun it is to be out in the middle of nowhere on the interstate at night when there's a full moon and just turn off your headlights and drive by the moonlight at 75. haha
- Went shopping on Black Friday, wasn't too bad. I saw some people I went to high school with. It was great seeing one of them, she is graduating from med school in May. I was really happy for her. And she is still beautiful as she always was. Everyone else appears to have gotten bigger, but she slimmed up somehow. My step-dad said it was the 18 hr days she was working as a doctor. :) I also saw another guy I hadn't talked to in a long time. He's been trying to get out of this area for a long time, without much luck. He has his degree now and stuff too, so hopefully something will work out for him.
- Mom actually watched the "Queer Eye" Thanksgiving special with me tonight. That was a big step for her. That was right after she asked me when I was going to stop going to the bars, and if it was worth going to hell for. :)
... to be updated until I get back to Va Beach Saturday night. :)