Rock On White Collar

Jan 20, 2011 01:03

Go. Read. Now.
Done barely anything else since it got posted myself.

This was the first Next Gen fic I read. EVER. Made me love the Next Gen so hard. It's still original, it's still classic, it's still different and glorious. It's still hilariously fun and entertaining. The UST will still drive you mad. It's AS/S, but the whole cast is brilliant and everyone has a sparkling personality.
I don't know what you are waiting for. It shouldn't be for me to finish my German essay. And what did you say? Other homework for tomorrow? (aka later today since it passed midnight around an hour ago) *sticks fingers in ears* LALALALALALALA!

Also: NEW WHITE COLLAR EP FINALLY \O/ In 8 bullet points:

  • "This time, we do it your way." ♥ NEAL'S FAITH IN PETER.
  • I found myself not finding Sarah annoying. Well done, show.
  • E: "Good luck with your little con." P: "It's not a con" N: "Well, technically it is a con" P: "It's a sting" N: "Yes, but a sting is another word for - " *Peter looks* " - Okay, let's start the sting" lsdkhgjsfhgdl! How is the D/s not OBVIOUS to ALL the people around them?! *FLAILS FOREVER* I KNOW IT WAS IN THE PROMO, BUT STILL!
  • N: "Nice riding, butch" P: "Thanks, sundance" :DDD ♥
  • ZOMG YOU GUYS FLASHBACK EP NEXT WEEK slfkghalkdhfjdlghsaldkgh!!!!

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Also: I uploaded new userpics \O/ Two for White Collar (one I've used for this post, because ♥), one Cas from Supernatural, one Inception and one Hawaii Five-0 icon. I NEED THEM FOR WHEN I SPREAD MY BROAD FANDOM WINGS xDDD
2nd also: NEW BONES THIS WEEK \O/ And more new White Collar and Bones AND SUPERNATURAL *EPIC FLAIL* NEXT WEEK! (along with an English AND a Danish essay >.<)

fandoms, school ranting, i have priority issues, yaaaaaay!!!!, white collared, my 2011, recs, tv

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