I'm going to wait a few days to see HBP again. I want to listen to the book again before I go. So, yes. This will not be like my four-times-in-the-first week The Dark Knight screenings. (One of those on the way down to the airport for Comic-Con '08, and one the day after CCI, in San Diego, with
My DME appointment went very, very well. She was all, "You need a new hose, a new face cushion, and new filters." And I was all, "uh, how much will that be? I have a deductible, so it's basically on me." She says, "Is it big?" I reply, "Yes, it is." She thinks for a second and then says, "Let me see what I can do." She gave me a bunch of equipment samples that the companies send for when they're fitting new patients with their machines. She wanted me to get a new face mask (costs ~170$), but they didn't have any to give. She's going to call me when she gets a new one sent. I got all new stuff, ALL FREE. Didn't spend a nickel there.
I also got a
joint supplement for Kitty at the vet's office. It's powder form in a capsule, which I'm supposed to open up and pour on her food. I hid it in her canned dinner, which I gave to her right before I left for HBP. I came back, and the bowl was completely empty. She never fully empties her bowl. I was shocked! I gave her a bit more food, powder-free, and she finished almost all of that off, too.
Also, amusingly, the capsule could easily be mistaken for a
Prozac pill.
Lordy, I'm tired. I was up with
abby20 deconstructing HBP till like, 4:15. I brought two pops to work, and I'll need them both.