Saturday is always so busy

Mar 04, 2007 12:06

Saturday was so busy and I was so tired. Majorly drained through the entire day that I ended up sleeping the entire day between events and planning things. I was even able to have a full on sleep in between smses with Skye and Michael (some were only a minute apart) that's how tired I was. But I still - went to school, shopped, went to two parties, stayed out until 4:30am and slept over a friends house. This is how I did it.

8am - Work up and showered. Went to Saturday Language school to learn Italian. 6 new people had joined the class and Marta was back. Wasn't in the mood much don't remember much of what happened. Have an Italian SAC in 3 weeks time and I'm not going to be there the 2 weeks before the SAC.
12:30am - Got picked up from Italian school by Dad and was taken to The Mill Park Stables for grocery shopping. Walked around Safeway for close to an hour and a half looking for where they had face tissues, crushed tomatoes in a can and then trying to find which isle dad was in with the trolley.
1:40pm - Got home and had a quick snack because I was out of energy. Crashed on my bed and slept until 19:20 hours. Was constantly woken up by people messaging me asking what I was doing that night, order of whose parties I was going to, how I was getting their etc. I was full on deep sleeping in between the messages that's how tired I was.
7:20pm - Finally dragged my arse out of bed and got dressed to go out. Fixed my hair a little so it was presentable and then got a message from Skye saying she was on her way home from work and was picking me up on the way.
9:10pm - Was picked up by Skye on her way home from work and dropped my bags at her house. Smsed Michael to find out who was still at his party while Skye changed out of her uniform.
9:30pm - Arrived at Michael B's house for the hang out party with Ricky, Adrian and Jess. Finished watching The Transporter 2, ate moouse, pizza and played with our bluetoothes sending songs and random videos to each other.
10:30pm - Michael B kicked everyone out because he had to work early the next morning and was feeling dead. Skye and I walked down the road to Michael D's house for his real party. Arrived greeted by drunk people hugging us and people we didn't know wanting photos with us. Very scary.
4:40 to 5am - Left M.D's house and walked back with Doug to Skye's house. Very tired and content with the day's events.  Changed into PJs at Skye's house and feel asleep instantly.
9:30am - Woke up in Skye's bed very happy. Lay their with Skye reminicing about Doug's tinkerbell joke, drama of the night, Doug hanging off of Skye all night, M.D barely being seen all night and people crashing from the amount of alcohol they'd had.
11:30am - Came home to shower and do work.

Wednesday Skye, Ricky and I are going to Fall Out Boy concert at Vodafone arena. Doug and some chick are going as well but they got better tickets then us. They near the front of the pit. We near the middle. So yeah that's been my last 24hours.
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