Saturday Night Bowling

Feb 25, 2007 14:07

A new bowling alley opened up behind Leisure City here in Epping. It was pretty awesome and I kicked ass. WOOT!
People who were invited - Ricky, Me, Skye, Jake, Dean, Michael, Kayla and Kara  
People who came -  Ricky, me, Skye, Jake and Dale (notice much difference)

I caught a ride with Rick to the bowling place. We were suposed to meet at 8pm since we had a booking at 8:30. His dad is a really cool guy. Anyway Rick and I arrived a little before 8... No one else came until like twenty past. Skye was first to arrive after us. Surprisingly she wasn't late.. she usually shows up for trains or parties just before they leave or hit off. Two abusive messages to Dale later him and Jake showed up.

We paid for our games ($18 for two games including the shoe hire). The order was Alli, Dale, Ricky, Skye and Jake. First game was so funny. We played without bumpers and Dale got sooo many gutter balls. Him and Ricky had at least 3 gutter balls each out of the ten bowls. From memory Jake won the first round, I came second, Skye came third, Ricky then Dale. I forgot the scores.
Second round I kicked everyone's ass (it was with bumpers so no gutter balls). My final score was 136, Jake was 98, Skye was 125, Ricky was 97 and Dale finished on 88 I think. It was heaps of fun and we all made heaps of laughs. Ricky and I were dancing in between bowls since it was disco bowling.

At the end of the two games, everyone walked back to my house. My parents are at the farm, Phil was out late so the house was free. No party, I'm not that kind of Ward. Jake left early because he wasn't allowed to stay the night, Dale ended up leaving at like 1am because he had work at 11am today and needed sleep. Doug and M.D came over for a little while (until like 3:30am). We all just hang around, play fought, watched stuff on tv and what not.

Ended up just being Skye and Ricky sleeping over. Skye and I bunked on the fold out couch while Ricky took the green single futon. It was heaps of fun. Skye left early because she had work at 3pm plus homework to do before that. Ricky stayed until about 12:30am. Tomorrow I have a Methods SAC so lots of work to be done by today.
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