Friday's Curiculum Day

Feb 24, 2007 14:30

Friday was a day off school because of a curiculum day for teachers. A group of us - Skye, Hayleigh, Jamie, Matt, Godwyn, Adrian and Michael (oh and me ^^) decided we should spend the day off playing laser wars before chilling out at the beach. So that's what we did. Dale and Ricky were invited but Dale got called into work and Ricky fell sick.

So we met up at the station at 10 (Skye was of course late) and headed off to Spencer Street Station (the almighty Southern Gross station... tossers). The one time Hayleigh didn't loose her ticket was right here at the start. We walked down to Crown - Galaxtic Circus - M9 Laser Wars Arena. However the guy running laser wars had called in late so we had to wait a whole extra hour and a half to play. We all ended up sitting around in the food court nibbling Macas (Hayleigh did about 3 runs to get burgers, Godwyn about 2, Adrian ended up with 5, Michael did one run and Skye twice - Myself, Matt and Jamie were the only ones who didn't get Macas from memory.

We played 3 games in which Skye won all three.  2 were solo games were everyone was against everyone and the last game (which was actually the second) was teams which we all didn't like much. I game 5th in both solo games. 5th out of 9 or 10 isn't half bad considering last time we played I game second last continously.  We were all very proud of ourselves and compared out shot rates, acurracy etc we all began walking down to Flinders Street station to catch the 1:57pm train to Sandrinham.

Half an hour of laughing at Matt and teasing him, we arrived at Sandrinham. Hayleigh lead the way to the beach (Taking 2 wrong turns and walking past 3 tracks down to the beach). We took a fair few photos which I'll post up at the bottom before stripping off and running into the water.

We stayed there for about 2 hours I think just having fun and hanging out. Godwyn nearly drowned (he can't swim and got a cramp in his leg), Adrian left the water twice because of a leg cramp, Michael was in and out continously because he was impatient and we took too long to get into the water at first. Matt kept getting excluded by the group (he isn't liked very much) or spent his time trying to flirt with Hayleigh (who has a boyfriend).

We all got a bit tired and cold so we dryed off, took a few drowned rat photos, got changed and found our way back to the train station. We headed home from there. When we arrived back at Flinders Station, went back to Macas for a quick snack (I just got a Tall Mocha at McCafe for the ride home).  We all hugged, kissed and said goodbye at the station. Hayleigh and Jamie carpooled, Adrian's mum picked him up, Michael and Skye walked their seperate ways, Godwyn walked his own way home and I stood around waiting for dad's green ki.
All in all a good day.

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